英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-15 20:48:26


  A. Early newspapers in England.
  B. The early history of magazines.
  C. The life of Daniel Defoe.
  D. Differences between newspapers and magazines.
  A. It had many more pages than newspapers.
  B. It was given away for free.
  C. It dealt with issues rather than events.
  D. It was more widely available than newspapers.
  A. It was not really a magazine.
  B. It featured a variety of articles and stories.
  C. It was praised by readers of poetry.
  D. It was unpopular with politicians.

enone 发表于 2016-8-15 21:43:26

  Moving away from newspapers, let's now focuson magazines. Now the first magazine was a littleperiodical called The Review, and it was started inLondon in 1704. It looked a lot like the newspapersof the time. But in terms of its content, it was muchdifferent. Newspapers were concerned mainlywith news events, but The Review focused onimportant domestic issues of the day, as well as the policies of the government. Now inEngland at that time, people could still be thrown in jail for publishing articles that were criticalof the king. And that's what happened to Daniel Defoe. He was the outspoken founder of TheReview. Defoe actually wrote the first issue of The Review from prison. You see, he had beenarrested because of his writings that criticized the policies of the Church of England, which washeaded by the king. After his release, Defoe continued to produce The Review and themagazine started to appear on a more frequent schedule, about three times a week. It didn'ttake long for other magazines to start popping up. In 1709, a magazine called The Tattlerbegan publication. This new magazine contained a mixture of news, poetry, political analysis,and philosophical essays.
  Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you just heard.
  29. What is the topic discussed in this passage?
  解析:主旨题。短文开篇说道“我们现在来谈谈杂志”,听懂了这一句即可猜测下文将要讲述magazine。而下文讲了The Review早期创建的情况和other magazines的情况,从反面验证了猜测。故答案为B。
  30. According to the speaker, how was The Review different from early newspapers?
  解析:推断题。“报纸主要是关于一些时事,但The Review则是着眼于国内的重要事件和政府政策”,由此可见两种刊物所关注的内容是不一样的。故C为正确答案。rather than“而不是”。
  31. What does the speaker say about The Tattler?
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