英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-15 20:47:19


  A. Piracy is an easy thing to commit.
  B. Invention usually needs heavy cost.
  C. Patent is useful but not practical.
  D. Inventions are difficult to spread.
  A. Solve the conflicts privately with the inventor.
  B. Give the invetor some compensation.
  C. Buy the patent from the real inventor.
  D. Give all the fake commodities to the inventor.
  A. The inventor decides who the expired patent goes to.
  B. The inventor may strive for a longer valid time span.
  C. The inventor will try hard to sell his products faster.
  D. The inventor will hesitate when giving his data to the public.

enthree 发表于 2016-8-15 21:27:59

  W: I don't understand how the inventor earnsmoney from the invention. After all, anyone cancopy and sell it. Really, what is a patent? A piece ofpaper? A philosophy? You can't see it.
  M: I am glad you asked that. Actually when aninventor has a patent, it's enforceable by the laws inthe country where the inventor developed the invention. If anyone makes and sells the productthen the inventor can take them to civil court.
  W: What can the inventor expect to receive if he sues and wins?
  M: Well, there are different things the court could do, but there's no guarantee. There's agood chance the court could award him compensation and orders to stop themanufacture and sale of goods. It may well be that the goods would be ordered to bedestroyed.
  W: Can the other person being sued do anything to help themselves?
  M: That's the beauty of the whole thing. Ignorance of the law doesn't count, I'm afraid.However, the other person can counter-sue pretending that they were actually the originalinventor.
  W: You said the inventor is protected by the laws of the country. Is everything equal? Do allcountries have the same law?
  M: No, they're not all equal. You're right. It's only in theory. It is being worked on. The WorldTrade Organization has developed an agreement, Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual PropertyRights, which makes sure that the patent is valid for 20 years.
  W: That doesn't make sense. Twenty years is a long time.
  M: Actually, it does. It's believed that inventors make and sell goods faster after theyregister the patent because there's a 20-year limitation on the patent. On the other hand,other inventors can use the information the inventor disclosed when the product wasregistered. Giving the information is all part of the deal.
  W: Cool.
  Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  19. Why can the woman hardly understand that an inventor earns money from the invention?
  20. What may the court ask the sued person to do?
  21. How does a valid time span of a patent influence the inventor?
  解析:关键是抓听到对话末尾男士提到的inventors make and sell goods faster,选项C是其近义改写。
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