英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-15 20:45:31


  留守儿童(left-behind children)问题是一个突出的社会问题。随着中国社会政治、经济的快速发展,越来越多的青壮年农民走人城市,在广大农村也随之产生了一个特殊的未成年人群体—农村留守儿童。留守的少年儿童正处于成长发育的关键时期,他们无法得到父母的关心和呵护,容易产生心理问题,也不利于今后的成长。各个家庭、整个社会都应该站在构建和谐社会的高度来认识这一问题,以人的生存与发展为本,采取措施,积极稳妥地加以解决。

ensix 发表于 2016-8-15 21:37:31

  The problem of left-behind children is a prominentsocial problem.With the rapid development of socialeconomy and politics in China,more and more youngfarmers go to cities.Consequently,a special group ofjuveniles,left-behind children,appear in ruralareas.Left-behind children are at the critical period of growth,but they have no access toparents,care,which will easily lead to psychological problems and is harmful to their futuredevelopment.Every family and the whole society should see this problem from the angle ofbuilding a harmonious society.We should take active and steady measures to solve thisproblem on the basis of existence and development of individuals.
  1.随着中国社会政治、经济的快速发展:可译为with therapid development of social economy and politics inChina。
  2.处于成长发育的关鍵时期:可译为at the critical periodof growth.
  3.无法得到父母的关心和呵护:可译为have no access toparents'care。其中have no access to意为“无法获得”。
  4.容易产生心理问题:该句翻译时可使用非限制性定语从句,即which will easily lead to psychologicalproblems。
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查看完整版本: 2016英语六级翻译话题优先复习:留守儿童