英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-15 20:45:31



ensix 发表于 2016-8-15 21:53:42

  The original intention of Twitter,microblog inforeign countries,is just like the literal sense of wordtwitter:tweet of birds.It grasps foreigners'feature ofcraving for communication,expression andinformation sharing.It's like a window filled withpeople's trivial thoughts and fragments of emotion.However,the cultural feature microbloggrasps in China is the nature of relation-driven society.Social identity of Chinese people isbased on a strong system of relations.The cultural core lies in group and association,namelythe so-called“Within the four seas all men are brothers”.The popularization of social media likemicroblog can greatly enhance interpersonal relationship.
  1.热衷交流的个性、渴望表达和信息分享:可译为cravingfor communication,expression and informationsharing。
  2.—个充斥了个人琐碎的思索、片段化的情感的窗口:可译为a window filled with people's trivial thoughts andfragments of emotion。
  3.中国的微博抓住的文化特征:翻译时可使用定语从句修饰“文化特征”,即the cultural feature microblog grasps in China。另外,从本句开始,下面谈论的都是微博在中国的文化特征,和前面内容形成对比,根据英语重形合的特点,故本句翻译时在开头处使用了However—词,表示语义的转折,也使得译文层次更加清晰。
  4.建立在…之上:可使用词组be based on来表达。
  5.四海之内皆兄弟:可译为Within the four seas all men are brothers。
  6.人际关系:即interpersonal relationship。
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查看完整版本: 2016英语六级翻译话题优先复习:微博