英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-15 20:41:22

奥巴马职业生涯5场最精彩演讲 练听力好素材

        The 2004 DNC speech2004年民主党全国代表大会演讲
        Obama, a U.S. Senate candidate from Illinois, was the second convention keynote speaker since 1928 who wasn't a governor or a member of Congress.来自美国伊利诺斯州的奥巴马是参议院的候选人。自1928年以来,他是第二位既不是地方长官又不是国会议员的政党发言人。
        It would be the first of several speeches Obama would give evoking the memory of his diverse family, weaved in between a greater, more prophetic vision of America.这是奥巴马第一次在演讲中回忆其多样化的家庭,同时在演讲中逐步引出更崇高、更有预见性的美国愿景。
        Obama's Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech奥巴马诺贝尔和平奖获奖感言
        President Obama winning a peace prize was a head-scratcher for many, considering the U.S. was in the middle of two wars — one against Iraq and another against Afghanistan.鉴于美国卷入了对抗伊拉克和阿富汗的两场战争中,对很多人来说,奥巴马总统获得和平奖让人十分费解。
        The 2015 Selma speech2015年塞尔玛演讲
        Obama spoke of the turbulence that led to the march on Selma. "For everywhere in this country, there are first steps to be taken, and new ground to cover, and bridges to be crossed," he said. "And it is you, the young and fearless at heart, the most diverse and educated generation in our history, who the nation is waiting to follow."奥巴马谈及那场引起塞尔玛游行的骚乱。“在这个国家的每一个地方,凡事都要迈出第一步、踏入新领域、克服前行中的阻碍,”他说道。“勇敢无畏的年轻人,你们是历史上最具多样化、受教育程度最高的一代。我们的国家正等待着你们来为之奋斗。”
        The 2016 Rutgers University commencement speech2016年罗格斯大学毕业演说
        He delivered the commence speech this year at Rutgers University, and he threw a few jabs at Donald Trump. Before an audience of 50,000, he gave some pragmatic advice: you gotta know what you’re talking about.今年,奥巴马在罗格斯大学的毕业典礼上发表演说,并炮轰了唐纳德·特朗普。在5万名听众面前,他提出了一些务实的建议:你必须知道自己在说什么。
        Obama didn't have to name Trump, but the message was received.奥巴马无需说出川普的名字,大家就领会了他的言外之意。
        The 2016 DNC convention speech2016年民主党全国代表大会演说
        Obama said he felt more optimistic about the nation's future than he did when he first took office. He credited it, in part, to his supporters and asked them to "carry" Hillary Clinton the way they carried him all this time.奥巴马表示,与他第一次就职的时候相比,他对这个国家的未来持更加乐观的态度。在某种程度上,他把这归功于他的拥护者,同时,他还请他们像一直支持他那样“支持”希拉里·克林顿。
        He directly attacked Donald Trump, questioning his business record and his integrity.他直截了当地抨击了唐纳德·特朗普,并质疑其商业记录和诚信度。
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