With today's dependence on electronics for work, play and just about anything to do with productivity, you may often find yourself staring at screens for more than 10 hours a day. With this in mind, it's important to protect your eyes by minimizing harsh whites and enlarging text size in common programs, regardless of how old you are or how good your eyesight might be.随着如今人们对电子产品的依赖,无论在工作,娱乐还是任何与创造力相关的活动中,你都会发现每天盯着屏幕的时间都不少于10个小时了。由此可见,保护眼睛是非常重要的。我们可以通过减少刺眼的白色光,增大通用程序的文本字号来达到这个目的,并且无论你的年龄有多大或者视力有多好都有这个必要。
To lessen the long-term damage computer screens could cause to your eyes, or if your vision isn't strong enough to read tiny text on your screen, try these tips for PC or Mac computers to make things easier on your oculars. Most of these tricks are simple enough that you won't have to reinvent the wheel.为了缓解电脑屏幕的光线对眼睛产生的长期损害,或者如果你的视力并不那么好,无法顺利阅读屏幕上的小字体,那么尝试下面这些小方法,调整电脑的设置,让你的眼睛更舒服。大部分的小方法都非常简单,你甚至都不需要白费力气做重复的工作。
1. Drop Your Monitor Brightness1. 降低屏幕亮度
Your screen is the culprit, so why not adjust it to fit your ergonomic needs? Your monitor should come with a how-to guide that will show you how to adjust brightness, contrast, color and other features, allowing you can tweak levels to reduce levels of eyestrain.屏幕就是罪魁祸首,所以何不把屏幕的亮度调整至符合人体工学的需求呢?一般屏幕都会自带说明书,告诉你如何调整亮度,对比度,色彩以及其他参数,以便调整至舒缓眼睛疲劳的程度。
2. Invest in a Pair of Computer Readers2. 入手一副电脑护目镜
Computer readers are glasses that have protective coatings on their lenses designed to lessen the harsh whites that screens can emit. Most readers have a magnifying effect, so you're practically getting a two-for-one deal.计算机护目镜就是在镜片上增添保护涂层的设计的眼镜,用以削弱屏幕放射出来的白色强光。大多数的护目镜都有放大的效果,所以你同时也享受了买一送一的福利。
3. Use the Magnifiers3. 使用Magnifier的放大镜效果
Microsoft is aware that sometimes computer text isn't the easiest to read. Found with almost all versions of Windows, Magnifier is a versatile program that can enlarge certain parts of the screen wherever your mouse or keyboard cursor is located.微软公司也意识到了这个问题,有时候电脑的文本字体并不那么便于阅读。笔者几乎查找了Windows的所有版本,其中Magnifier是一项多功能的程序,能够扩大屏幕中的特定位置,无论你的鼠标或键盘光标所在之处是哪里。
If you have a Mac, use the included Zoom software to make reading text a little easier on the eyes.如果你有一台Mac电脑,那就使用内置的Zoom软件调整阅读文本的大小,以减少眼睛的压力。
4. Increase Your Browser Display Size4. 扩大浏览器的显示比例
Most screens nowadays come in wide-screen format, and that doesn't adapt well for documents. Browsers often display websites in a fashionable column as well, leaving wide, empty margins. Remove the margins and zoom in on your page by holding down Control and scrolling up with your mouse until the page fits your monitor nicely. On the Mac side, you can increase most browser window sizes by pressing Command and + a few times.如今许多电脑屏幕都有宽屏的浏览模式,但是这并不能很好地适用于文件的阅读。浏览器展示网页的版式也通常采取时尚的专栏形式,这就留出了宽广的空白边缘。把这些边缘移除吧,拉近页面展示距离,按住Control键,然后上下滚动鼠标以调至最合适的页面比例。而Mac的电脑,你可以通过按住Command键,然后多次点按+键来增加浏览器窗口的大小。
5. Lower the Desktop Resolution5. 降低桌面显示分辨率
Your resolution is what makes up your screen in vertical and horizontal "lines." The more lines the screen has, the smaller images and text will appear. By right-clicking on your desktop in Windows, you can adjust your screen resolution to a lower setting and make those images and text blocks pop. On a Mac, you can find a list of supported resolutions under the Apple logo, System Preferences, and then Display.分辨率就是组成屏幕纵向与横向的“线条”。屏幕的线条越多,图像和文本呈现的效果就越细致。通过右击Windows系统桌面的按钮,你可以把屏幕的分辨率调整至更低的参数,然后就能显示图像和文本了。在Mac上,你可以在“Apple logo——系统偏好(System Preferences)——展示(Display)”目录下找到一系列的可选分辨率参数。
6. Increase the Windows Text Size6. 增大Windows文本尺寸
Windows 7 has an option to change the text and other items on-screen under the Display option under the Personalize menu, found by right-clicking on the desktop. This option is just limited to three settings: smaller, medium, and larger. Fortunately, an adjustment here should bode well for anyone trying to save their eyesight.在Windows 7的系统里,有一个可以改变文本和其他屏幕图标的设置,就在“个性化菜单——展示”的子目里,在桌面上右键单击鼠标便能找到。这个方法只能改变三个参数:小,中等以及大。幸运的是,这个调整的模式对于想要改善视力的人们来说是一个好消息。
7. Give Your Eyes a Break7. 给眼睛休息的时间
Staring at a screen for too long certainly isn't healthy and can give you computer vision syndrome. If you find yourself locked onto a screen for too long, look away from the screen, focus on an item in the distance for approximately 10 to 20 seconds, and then focus on an item closer to you. Repeating this a few times should keep your eyes from getting tired.过长时间注视着屏幕确实不利于健康,还会导致计算机视觉综合征。如果你发现自己已经很长时间看着屏幕不动了,那就把视线转移开来,注视远处的一件物品,持续10-20秒,然后再注视近处的一件物品。多次重复这样的动作能防止眼睛疲劳的产生。
8. Go Outside8. 外出走走
Being inside all day not only messes with your sleeping rhythms, it can also have an effect on your eyes. Expose your eyes to different levels of light. This can also kill the monotony of a day's work at the office.整天呆在室内不仅会扰乱睡眠节奏,还会对眼睛产生损伤。多走走,让眼睛接受不同程度光线的折射。还可以消除一天办公室里工作的单调感。
Whether you have poor or eagle-eyed eyesight, these steps can certainly help you keep the effects of long-term screen exposure at bay. They won't prevent eyestrain completely, but combining all these steps will significantly save your eyes so you can keep staring at screens for several years to come.无论你的视力模糊不清还是炯炯有神,以上这些步骤都能帮助你缓解长时间面对屏幕的负面效果。虽然它们不能完全避免眼睛疲劳的发生,但是把这些步骤结合起来,就很大程度上能保护眼睛,那么便能在往后的日子里继续盯着屏幕了。