1.Be Productive工作高效
Surprising your manager with peak productivity is a surefire way to impress and prove you are a valuable asset to the company. If you feel your productivity slipping, take strides to step up your game and increase your daily and weekly output.向老板展示你超高的工作效率绝对是惊艳老板、向其证明你是公司的宝贵财富的好方法。如果你觉得工作效率在下降,那就要尽快赶上大部队,并提高你的日产出量和周产出量。
2.Speak up及时沟通
Talk to your direct manager, teammates, and HR when you have questions, ideas, or concerns. Everyone appreciates clear communication and brainstorming, and the healthiest way to get support is to ask for it.如果你遇到问题、有了新想法或者打算,你就应该及时和你的老板、合作伙伴、还有人事经理沟通交流。所有人都喜欢真诚的交流和集思广益,而且这也是得到别人支持的好方法。
职场哪些话能说哪些不能说,你知道吗?和同事不能说的秘密>>>, 和老板不能聊的话题>>>
3.Follow Through坚持到底
If you said you would do something or were assigned to do something, do it. It's quite simple, really.如果你承诺要做某事,或者你被安排完成某项任务,那你就去做。这个道理很简单,没什么好说的。
4.Be Honest诚实坦率
Lying never helps anyone grow. Be honest about your efforts, workload, skills, and needs. Your boss will appreciate your frankness. She may even be able to help you.撒谎永远不可能助你进步。诚实对待你的努力、你的工作、你的技能和你的需求。老板会欣赏你的坦率,甚至还可能助你一臂之力。
5.Be a Team Player团队合作
It's crucial to speak up for yourself, but don't exclude yourself from your department or unit. Work with your co-workers to meet your common goal.脱颖而出很重要,但也不要忘了你是团队的一员,你要和同事合作才能完成你们的共同目标。
6.Show Gratitude学会感恩
Everyone loves feeling loved. You welcome feedback, rewards, and recognition from your boss, and she will do the same. When she sneaks you a small gift, compliment, or helpful tip, thank her in person, in an email, or in a handwritten note. Illustrating how much her effort means to you will encourage her to keep the gratitude coming.每个人都喜欢被爱的感觉。你希望从老板那里得到反馈、表扬和认可,老板也是一样。当老板给你送了个小礼物,或是对你赞扬了一番,又或者给你帮了把手,记住要感谢老板,无论你是当面感谢也好,还是通过邮件或者手写的小卡片也好,表达你对老板的感谢之情会让老板也备受鼓舞。相对地,她也会感谢你。
7.Have a Healthy Work-Life Balance平衡工作与生活
Your boss expects you to work diligently and be productive, but she doesn't expect you to live for work. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance will make you a happier person at home and at work. Everyone wins.老板当然希望你工作认真又高效,但是,老板不希望你只会工作。平衡好工作与生活的关系会让你在家在单位都感到更快乐。这就是共赢。