英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-6 08:44:48


                Ridley Scott goes back to the future, a familiar destination for him, and returns in fine shape in The Martian. Although technically science fiction by virtue of its being largely set on a neighboring planet, this smartly made adaptation of Andy Weir’s best-selling novel is more realistic in its attention to detail than many films set in the present, giving the story the feel of an adventure that could happen the day after tomorrow.雷德利·斯科特再次指导未来题材影片,这对他来讲驾轻就熟;通过指导电影《火星救援》,雷德利·斯科特完美回归。虽然这部科幻片主要背景设定在我们相邻的星球上,但这部根据安迪·威尔畅销小说改编的电影却比许多现实题材影片还要现实。
                Scott has famously been up in space before, thrillingly in Alien, far less so in Prometheus (a sequel to which he is currently preparing). This time, he’s telling a survival story, pure and simple, of an American astronaut named Mark Watney, thought to be dead, who’s left behind on Mars when an enormous storm compels his five fellow crew members to hastily cut short their extra-planetary visit. It’s Robinson Crusoe on Mars, but without the monkey and aliens.斯科特凭借太空题材广为人知,如《异形》和正在筹备的《普罗米修斯2》等。这次,他讲述了一名叫马克·沃特尼的美国宇航员的逃生故事:马克的5名同伴认为他已经牺牲,所以当火星上爆发巨大风暴时,他们紧急中断出舱考察任务。可以说这部电影就是火星版的“鲁滨孙漂流记”,不同的是其中没有猴子和外星人。
                When Mark Watney (Matt Damon) regains consciousness, he quickly assesses the situation: He’s millions of miles from home and, based on the food supply, concludes that he’s got a month to live.马克·沃特尼(玛特·达蒙饰)恢复意识时,他迅速意识到了自己面临的状况:离地球数百万英里,所剩食物只够支撑一个月。
                Ultimately it comes down to the willingness of Mark’s astronaut colleagues to place themselves at great risk by attempting a rescue attempt, a decision that raises the provocative moral dilemma of whether it’s correct to put five lives at great risk for saving one life. The director and screenwriter downplay the conventional melodrama inherent in the situation in favor of emphasizing how practical problems should be addressed with rational responses.最终,马克的同伴们决定冒险营救他,这一决定又引发了极富争议的道德困境:五个人冒险救一个人,是否值得。通过突出如何理性地处理实际问题这一主旨,导演和编剧成功地将这一争议性的情节淡化。
                There is also a insinuation that the meticulous sense of resourcefulness. In significant measure due to his character’s mordant humor, Damon provides comfortable company during the long stretches when he’s onscreen alone, and the actor’s physicality makes Mark’s capability entirely credible.影片也暗示了这样的道理,即足智多谋的人都会谨小慎微。由于角色的惊人乐观,所以达蒙要在长时间的单人镜头中表现出主人公的自然。演员的精湛演技也将马克的能力展现的淋漓尽致。
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