英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-6 08:44:48


        As the excitement builds ahead of the new Star Wars film, a huge display of Stormtroopers has been assembled at the Great Wall of China.为回馈观众们对《星球大战7》新片那激动不已的心情,一大批“暴风兵”在中国长城上集合亮相。
        The 500 replica characters were placed on the steps at the Juyongguan section of the wall near Beijing for a promotional event yesterday. Stormtroopers are elite soldiers wearing white armed with blaster rifles who are the key ground troops of the Galactic Empire in the series.昨日,在一个宣传活动上,500个暴风兵复制品在北京附近长城居庸关段亮相。暴风兵是一批精锐部队,身穿白色装甲服,配备爆破工步枪,他们在《星球大战》系列电影中都是银河帝国的核心陆地军队。
        The Force Awakens, which is released on December 17, is set three decades after Return of the Jedi - the third film in the original trilogy.《星球大战7:原力觉醒》将在12月17号上映。这部电影将背景设定在原三部曲(正传)中的第三部《星球大战:绝地大反击》的30年后。
        Two cinema chains say the film is already their most pre-booked on record.两家连锁影院称这部电影已经破了预售票房最高记录。

                Line up: The Stormtroopers were on the Great Wall during a promotional event for the new Star Wars film on the outskirts of Beijing.鳞次栉比:在《星球大战》新片宣传活动上,暴风兵站在北京郊区的长城上(500个复制品)。

                In the darkness: The stunt was carried out as tickets for Episode VII went on sale, although it does not open in cinemas until December.夜幕降临:片商们为该片制造噱头,尽管影片要到12月份才上映,可是现在就已经在卖第七部电影的票子了。

                Popular: Star Wars fans wielded toy light sabers and climbed the steps of Great Wall to have photographs taken with the Stormtroopers.广受欢迎:星球大战的粉丝们挥舞着武士光剑,并爬上长城为的就是跟暴风兵合照。

                Bringing along the cat: A fan holding a Stormtrooper helmet poses for a group photo at the Juyongguan section of the Great Wall.携“家”带“口”:一粉丝抱着一个暴风兵头盔,在长城居庸关段拍合影。
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查看完整版本: 这宣传够拼!500星球大战暴风队“攻占”长城