英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-6 08:44:44


        A Tumblr artist called The Nameless Doll has taken some of Disney's best-known princesses and given them more realistic waists and accentuated curves with plus-sized makeovers.在汤不热(全球最大的轻博客网站)上,一位名为“无名娃娃”(The Nameless Doll)的艺术家给迪斯尼动画中人们一些耳熟能详的公主们进行大一号的身材改造,给她们修饰了更为现实的腰身和夸大的曲线。
        The result is a series of photos that are not only stunning, but also provide the body diversity that many believe Disney is in desperate need of.处理的结果是一组令人眼前一亮的图片,而且许多人相信:这些图片中所展现的各异体型正是迪斯尼动画极度所需的。

        Starting with Belle, the artist gives the bookish beauty a bigger bosom, a thicker waist and a rounder face for a picture-perfect plus-sized depiction.这位艺术家首先操刀的是(《美女与野兽》中的)贝拉。这位书香美人经过一轮纯属虚构的加码处理后,胸脯更为浑圆、腰身变得厚实、脸蛋也越发圆润。
        'I wanted to make a plus-size princess and chose my all time favorite princess for the test,' the artist wrote. 'I wanted to make her even fuller, but my skills weren’t up to the task.'这位艺术家附上一段文字解释道:“我想要制作出一位体型较大只的公主,我会选取我常爱的公主来进行测试。我本想将她设计得更为丰满,然而我的技术却不能胜任这一任务。”
        Ana, one of the much-loved sisters from the film Frozen, was given an apple-shaped figure by the artist.作为电影《冰雪奇缘》中备受宠爱的姐妹花中的安娜,经过这位艺术家的加工处理,身材圆润如苹果。

        Anastasia is the last Disney beauty to be given the plus-sized transformation by the creative artist. For Anastasia's rethink, he combined the character's stunning features and red hair with the voluptuous figure of character Sophie, cousin of Dowager Empress Marie.最后,这名创意十足的艺术家处理的迪斯尼美人是安娜塔西娅公主(《真假公主》中的女主角)。他将这一角色的诸多典型特征和一头红发与拥有丰腴身材的索菲(与俄国皇太后玛丽有表姊妹关系)相结合,重构出安娜塔西娅的新形象。
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查看完整版本: 脑洞:还会爱吗?如果迪士尼公主都胖一圈