成龙春节新片 史诗巨制天将雄狮来袭
http://player.video.qiyi.com/53a518acd9401f7d5567077fa3829c26/0/0/v_19rrnyzen0.swf-albumId=337159600-tvId=337159600-isPurchase=0-cnId=10" allowFullScreen="true" quality="high" width="480" height="350" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flashJohn Cusack and Jackie Chan team up for upcoming adventure fantasy flick Dragon Blade.约翰·库萨克和成龙在即将袭来的幻想冒险大片《天降雄狮》中同舟共济。
The unlikely duo are seen alongside Adrien Brody in a newly released trailer where they fight it out in a not-so-historically-accurate battle between Rome and China's Han Dynasty.这个不太可能的二人组在最新的预告片里,站在阿德里安·布罗迪的一旁,他们在一场架空的罗马VS中国汉朝的历史战争中一决雌雄。
It is deemed to be one of the most expensive Chinese-language films ever made costing $65 million.这部电影被认为是耗资最多的中文电影,总计投资6500万美元。
So unsurprisingly the cinematography looks stunning in the short clip featuring epic battles and beautiful backdrops.在这条短预告中,史诗般的战斗场景和美不胜收的背景看上去是那么不可思议的充满着电影艺术美感,让人拍案叫绝。
Brody plays Tiberius who wants to gain control over the 'silk road' - the overland trade route from China to the West.布罗迪扮演的提比略想要获得丝绸之路——从中国到西方的陆上贸易航线——的控制权。
Chan, 60, plays Huan An, an official framed and enslaved for a crime he didn't commit.60岁的成龙扮演的是霍安——一名遭当局陷害成为莫须有罪名的奴役。
And fans will be pleased to see him showing off some of his trademark martial arts moves and skillful sword-work.而粉丝们将很乐意看到他在荧幕上显耀他标志性的武打动作和精湛的刀剑功夫。
And although they all speak in English, the movie features Chinese subtitles throughout.虽然全片是英文配音,但是电影全程带有中文字幕。
The movie will be released in China on February 19,2015.电影定档2015年2月19在中国上映。