“Maleficent” reigns supreme in the United Kingdom and Ireland, where the Walt Disney Studios fantasy opened in the top slot Wednesday on its first day of release.由迪士尼影业出品的奇幻电影《沉睡魔咒》(Maleficent)自本周三在英国和爱尔兰震撼上映以来便迅速登上了票房榜首的位置。
The fantasy epic stars Angelina Jolie and centers on the origins of the wicked sorceress from “Sleeping Beauty,” dramatizing her fall from grace.该片由安吉丽娜·茱莉(Angelina Jolie)主演,以经典童话《睡美人》(Sleeping Beauty)中的黑女巫为原型,讲述了原本美丽纯洁的年轻女子玛琳菲森(Maleficent,茱莉饰演)在遭受无情的背叛后,逐渐堕落成邪恶女巫的故事。
Audiences across the pond were eager to find out what turned Maleficent bad, contributing $2.5 million in ticket sales, and topping what “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” did on its first day of release in those countries. It was more than double the debuts of similar fantasy fare such as “Oz The Great and Powerful” and “Snow White and The Huntsman.”“是什么彻底毁了原本善良的玛琳菲森!?”观众们在观影时都急切地想知道答案。该片在英国和爱尔兰首映当天,票房就达到了250万美元,比同类电影《魔境仙踪》(Oz The Great and Powerful)和《白雪公主与猎人》(Snow White and The Huntsman)首映当天高出两倍还多,更是超越了《美国队长2:寒冬战士》(Captain America: The Winter Soldier)在这两个国家首映时的表现。
“Maleficent” opens domestically Thursday in select screenings before rolling out across nearly 4,000 locations. It also debuts day-and-date in 47 territories and across 13,011 locations, including such markets as France, Australia, Spain and Mexico.《沉睡魔咒》于本周四先在美国国内进行了小范围试映,而后才在其余的4000家院线上映;同步上映的地区还包括法国、澳大利亚、西班牙和墨西哥在内的47个国家,13011家院线。
The film opened Wednesday in Italy and the Philippines where it became the biggest opening day in Jolie’s career in those territories. However, Disney did not provide box office grosses for those countries, making the extent of that accomplishment difficult to quantify.而该片在意大利和菲律宾的首映票房也是朱莉所有在这两个国家上映过的电影中最高的。然而,迪士尼影业并不打算将这两个国家的票房收入计入该片的票房总收入,于是要精确分析在这两个国家的上映情况还是个难题。