If you're wondering what Ben Affleck's Batman looks like out of the shadows, Smith suggests you turn to Frank Miller for an answer.如果你好奇本·阿弗莱克(Ben Affleck)版蝙蝠侠在光线下是什么样子,史密斯(Smith)的建议是直接去问漫画作者弗兰克·米勒(Frank Miller)。
Get ready for a potentially colorful Batman in the follow-up to Man of Steel.准备好在《钢铁之躯》续集中迎接可能出现的多彩蝙蝠侠吧。
In the most recent episode of his Hollywood Babble-On podcast, Kevin Smith talked some more about the costume Ben Affleck will be wearing during his debut as DC Entertainment’s Dark Knight in the 2016 release. Smith had previously spoken about seeing an early shot of the outfit, but he said that the image released by director Zack Snyder last week was “not the picture I saw.”本·阿弗莱克将在2016年上映的《蝙蝠侠大战超人》中首次饰演DC漫画角色黑暗骑士。而在凯文·史密斯(Kevin Smith)最新一集的《好莱坞喋喋不休》(Hollywood Babble-On)播客节目中,他谈到了关于蝙蝠侠战衣的更多细节。史密斯先前提到他见过蝙蝠衣的照片,但和该片导演扎克·施奈德(Zack Snyder)上周发布的那张不一样。
He went on to say that the photograph he had seen was “in color, and you could see every piece of detail.” Why is the color issue important? According to Smith, “if you want to see what this … suit looks like, you just go to Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns, go to the third book, “Hunt the Dark Knight.” It’s the exact … outfit he’s wearing.”他继续说道他看到的那张照片是“彩色的,而且你能看到每一处细节。”为什么颜色问题这么重要?据史密斯称:“如果想看这套战衣是什么样子,你可以直接去翻弗兰克·米勒的《黑暗骑士归来》,找到第三期《追捕黑暗骑士》,他穿得就和里面一样。”
For those without a copy of The Dark Knight Returns in hand, the costume in that book looks, for the most part, to be different shades of gray — with the exception of one scene, where the underside of the cape is quite clearly shown to be deep blue — with a bright yellow belt. After years of a monochromatic Caped Crusader, is Smith hinting at a long-awaited return to the blue, yellow and gray color scheme that served Batman so well during his Super Friends years? We can but hope — and hope for a full-scale reveal of the costume at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, while we’re at it.鉴于有人手上没有《黑暗骑士归来》,我们向大家介绍一下:该漫画中,蝙蝠战衣大部分都是不同程度的灰色——只有一处例外,披风里面很明显是深蓝色——外加一副亮黄色腰带。在看了这么多年单一颜色的披风战士后,史密斯是在暗示蝙蝠侠会以《超级战友团》(Super Friends)中的蓝黄灰三色回归吗?我们只能希望在今年的圣地亚哥动漫展上看到蝙蝠战衣的全揭露了。