When you see the trailer for Coming Home, Zhang Yimou's latest project, you may not feel intrigued by it at first, due to the film's senior cast and historic setting.看过张艺谋新作《归来》的预告片之后,你也许不会立刻被吸引,因为该片的演员阵容年龄偏大,背景又具有历史性。
But rest assured, Coming Home will draw you in with its emotionally charged story of love, joy and sorrow.但请放心,《归来》会带给你一个充满爱与悲欢的情感故事。
The movie follows a devoted couple, Lu Yanshi (Chen Daoming) and Feng Wanyu (Gong Li), who are separated when Lu is arrested as a political prisoner. Released during the last days of the "cultural revolution" (1966-76), Lu finally returns home only to find that his beloved wife has amnesia and is unable to recognize him. As a stranger in his broken family, Lu decides to resurrect their past together and reawaken his wife's memory.该片讲述了陈道明饰演的陆焉识与巩俐饰演的冯婉瑜这一对深情夫妻的故事。因陆焉识被划为政治犯入狱,两人从此天各一方。“文革”后被释放的陆焉识回到家中,却发现妻子患了失忆症,认不得自己。恍若破碎家庭中的一个陌生人,陆焉识决定唤醒妻子的记忆,找回过去的生活。
Just like the story suggests, Coming Home is a tearjerker. But different from those movies that make the audience cry by being evocative, such as Feng Xiaogang's Aftershock or Pixar's Toy Story 3, director Zhang's idea of moving the audience is quite special, and makes the most of his delicate skills.正如故事本身给人的感觉一样,《归来》是一部催泪电影。但是,不同于冯小刚导演的《唐山大地震》和皮克斯出品的《玩具总动员3》,《归来》并不是依靠唤起观众的共鸣感而令人流泪,张艺谋将他精湛的导演才能发挥地淋漓尽致,用十分特别的方式打动观众。
In Coming Home, Zhang deals with a dramatic story in such a quiet way that the audience's emotions are drawn out little by little by the main characters, as they struggle in pain while their heroic inner strength shines.影片《归来》中,张艺谋用一种近乎平静的口吻将一个充满戏剧性的故事娓娓道来,主人公们纵然苦苦挣扎却仍怀有一颗坚强的内心,而观众的情感也被主人公们一点点带出。
So, when you cry — and very likely you will — you will understand why: Because you wish a future happiness for the characters, and maybe because you can imagine the story having happened to your grandparents.所以,当你流下眼泪(你很可能会的),你就会明白自己为何哭泣。也许是因为你太想让主人公们有一个幸福的结局,也许是因为他们让你想起了自己的爷爷奶奶。
Another impressive aspect is how Zhang uses "amnesia", a narrative technique that's more common in romantic comedies. For that, he has Gong Li to thank the most. Gong, one of Zhang's longtime collaborators, knows precisely what the director wants. With a limited number of lines throughout the film, Gong is fully committed to her character and touches the audience with great facial expressions and subtle changes of emotion.该片另一个令人印象深刻之处则是张艺谋对于“失忆”的使用,这种桥段在浪漫喜剧电影之中更常见。对此,他最应该感谢巩俐——这位和他合作最久的“谋女郎”准确地把握了导演想要表达的东西。虽然,巩俐在电影中的台词只有寥寥几句,但她的面部表情与微妙的情感变化都完美地诠释了角色,也深深地打动了观众。
Maybe now you understand why everyone can relate to the film. Although it reflects on a big era through the story of a small family, the era is only a backdrop. What moves the young audience here is love, and you will leave the cinema with a new understanding of it.或许现在你就明白了为什么每一个人都能在电影中找到共鸣。尽管该片讲述的是一个大时代之下小家庭的故事,但时代仅是一个背景。而真正打动年轻观众的却是其中的爱。走出电影院,你会对爱有一个全新的认识。
Tell us what you think about Zhang Yimou's new film Coming Home.和我们一起分享你对与张艺谋新作《归来》的看法吧!