Peter Jackson, director of the “Hobbit” movie franchise, announced on his Facebook page Thursday morning that the third and final “Hobbit” movie has a new name.票房大作《霍比特人》(The Hobbit)系列的导演彼得•杰克逊(Peter Jackson)于本周四(美国时间)在Facebook上公布了第三部电影更名的消息。
Originally titled “There and Back Again,” Jackson wrote that the new name will be “The Battle of the Five Armies.” Rumors of a name change have been circulating for the past week, sparked when fan site TheOneRing.net reported that New Line had registered the name “The Hobbit: Into the Fire.”杰克逊写道,“三部曲中的最后一部《去而复返》(There and Back Again)已更名为《五军之战》(The Battle of the Five Armies)。”在过去的几周里,有关片名变更的谣言层出不穷,粉丝网站TheOneRing.net甚至传言说第三部将更名为《火海之战》(暂译)(Into the Fire)
The franchise’s studio Warner Bros. confirmed the change.目前电影制作公司华纳兄弟也证实了这一消息。
In the “Hobbit” franchise, the now titular battle refers to epic showdown in which many previously introduced characters and creatures, including goblins, dwarves, elves and men, emerge to go up against each other.在第三部中,一场史诗般的对决即将上演,前两部中出现的诸多角色和生物:半兽人、矮人、精灵、人类纷纷崛起,陷入了这场大混战。
While only two “Hobbit” films were originally planned, a third was added after Jackson borrowed characters from the “Lord of the Rings” franchise and added some original story. “An Unexpected Journey,” the first “Hobbit” movie, grossed a whopping $1 billion worldwide. While the sequel “Desolation of Smaug” made less, it still had a huge take with $953 million worldwide.由于最初的计划是将《霍比特人》制作成两部曲,杰克逊不得不从《指环王》(Lord of the Rings)三部曲中借调一些角色,并增加了一些原创情节来丰富第三部电影。第一部《意外之旅》(An Unexpected Journey)的全球票房收入高达10亿美元,而第二部《史矛革之战》(The Desolation of Smaug)表现虽稍显逊色,也大刀阔斧拿下了9.53亿的全球票房收入。
Jackson also revealed in the post that editing on the final movie is almost complete, and that there will be an extended cut of “Desolation of Smaug” with 25 minutes of new scenes.杰克逊在Facebook上还透露,第三部的剪辑已基本完成,另外还会有一个加长版剪辑,内容是第二部《史矛革之战》中一些未公开的片段,时长约二十五分钟。