英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-6 08:43:12


        《僵尸》Rigor Mortis(2013)
        导演: 麦浚龙
        编剧: 麦浚龙、翁子光、梁礼彦
        主演: 钱小豪/ 陈友/ 惠英红/ 楼南光/ 鲍起静/ 卢海鹏/ 吴耀汉
        类型: 剧情/ 动作/ 恐怖/ 惊悚
        制片国家/地区: 中国香港
        语言: 粤语
        上映日期: 2013.10.24(香港)
        故事讲述了80年代知名动作影星小豪(钱小豪 饰)曾经凭《僵尸先生》红极一时,可惜Chin Siu-ho,无奈他带着随身家当入住一栋破败老旧公共屋,并决定悬梁自尽,谁知命悬一线之际遭遇猛鬼缠身,但却遇上隐世的末代天师阿友(陈友 饰)出手方捡回一条命。小豪对白化病男孩小白及经常在2442门口窥视并吃祭祀食物的女人杨凤(惠英红 饰)感到好奇,进而从大厦保安燕叔口中得知了当年曾发生的一起血腥惨案,当年的事情让杨凤(惠英红 饰)受到严重的心灵创伤。不久同大厦的冬叔(吴耀汉 饰)不慎跌死,冬叔的老婆梅姨(鲍起静 饰)求专修邪法的阿九(钟发 饰)帮其还魂,但酿成不可逆转的悲剧,最终小豪与阿友再次面对凶猛僵尸袭击,必须设法合力降服这具疯狂嗜血的不死之身。
        The story is about a famous action movie star Xing Xiaohao (Chin Siu-ho) who has won a big name for his movie “Mr. Rigor Mortis”. However, as he is getting old, he meets his decline and has to move into a shabby public house with his possession. When Xiaohao committed suicide, he is entangled with an evil ghost. Luckily, he is saved by A-you (Anthony Chan), a reclusive Taoist master. Xiaohao finds that Xiaobai, a boy with albinism, always spies Yangfeng (Kara Hui) who makes a living on the sacrificed food, which leads him to unveil a bloody case. The evil ghost is created in the tragedy of Aunt May’ desperate trying to make her husband Uncle Dong revive after his death. At last, Xiaohao, together with A-you, defeats the rigor mortis.
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