On Thursday night, Scarlett Johansson stepping out in a stunning red cocktail dress with matching lipstick and a manicure, to attend the London premiere of Captain America: The Winter soldier.周四晚上,斯嘉丽·约翰逊一袭闪亮的红色小礼服搭配同样颜色的口红和指甲出席了《美国队长2》在伦敦的首映礼。
But there was no sign of the actress’s baby bump just yet having announced this month that she was expecting her first child.但是一点都看不出这位女演员现在有孕在身,她本月早些时候曾宣布准备迎接第一个孩子。
Scarlett is having a baby with her French fiancé Romain Dauriac, but she was flying solo on Thursday to promote the Marvel sequel in which she reprises her role as S.H.I.E.L.D agent Natasha Romanoff AKA Black Widow.斯嘉丽和她的法国未婚夫罗曼·达瑞克有了宝宝,但是周四出席漫威影业的续集电影《美国队长2》时,斯嘉丽是独自前往。她在《美国队长2》中继续饰演之前的角色---神盾局特工黑寡妇娜塔莎·罗曼诺夫。
At a press conference earlier in the day, Scarlett said she felt ‘forever wounded’ after suffering various injuries as a result of her action movie roles.当天早些时候的新闻发布会上,斯嘉丽说她在动作电影中的角色受到各种伤痛让她感到“非常受伤”。
‘I am forever wounded from these movies,’ Scarlett said. ‘I have old injuries from Iron Man 2 and I keep re-injuring them. That's part of the joy and part of the process, I guess.'“我在这些电影中受伤太多了,”斯嘉丽说。“《钢铁侠2》中的旧伤未平,新伤又起。我想,这是过程的一部分吧,痛并快乐着。”