卷福异性缘好 坦言厌倦高智商角色
He regularly tops sexiest film star polls, so it is no wonder The Fifth Estate star was surrounded by females as he stepped out for lunch in London on Tuesday.本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇最近经常位列最性感电影明星榜首,所以这也难怪出演《危机解密》的他周围总有异性围绕。星期二在英国伦敦去吃午饭的时候,他就被几位女性簇拥着一起走。
Benedict, 37, still kept his look quirky with a white T-shirt with red cartoonish lettering underneath his shirt, and was joined by two female friends for the outing.本尼迪克特当天上身穿着一件印着红色字母的白体恤打底,外面套着一件衬衫,还是保持一贯的特异风格。他伴着两位异性朋友一起外出。
Benedict finished off his smart off duty look with black skinny jeans and pale blue brogue style shoes. 本尼迪克特下身穿着一条黑色修身牛仔裤,配着一双淡蓝色的粗革皮鞋。
The former Sherlock actor has just finished filming The Imitation Game where he plays mathematician and British cryptographer Alan Turing, due out in 2014. 凭借着《神探夏洛克》大红大紫的本尼迪克特最近刚刚结束了电影《模仿游戏》的拍摄。他在里面扮演阿兰·图灵,英国伟大的数学家和密码学家。这部电影今年就会上映。
In an interview with T magazine the actor revealed he is tired of playing intellectually demanding roles, having played Julian Assange in The Fifth Estate and Sherlock in the BBC TV series with a stratospherically high IQ. 在一场访问中,这位演员透露他已经厌倦高智商一类的角色了。在此前他已在《危机解密》中扮演朱利安·阿桑奇,又在BBC出品的《神探夏洛克》中扮演智商超高的夏洛克。
The British actor said: ‘I am so ready to play a really dumb character.’这位英国演员说道:“我现在真的很乐意去演一些很蠢很呆的角色。”
He also added that despite the female attention he has garnered from playing Sherlock, he doesn't think that the character in itself is necessarily one that should be seen as fanciable.他还补充说道,虽然因为出演了夏洛克而广受异性关注,但是他认为夏洛克的角色定位本身就需要是充满魅力的。
The Star Trek actor said: ‘I always make it clear that people who become obsessed with him or the idea of him - he’d destroy you,’ adding: ‘He is an absolute b*****d.’这位演员还说道:“我一直提醒自己,人们爱的是这个角色以及他的高智商,这个角色会毁掉你的。”还补充说:“他真是个混蛋。”
He also added despite becoming more and more famous thanks to his big roles in Hollywood films, the actor has come up with a method to ensure he is not recognised in the street.他还补充说,尽管他因饰演好莱坞电影的重要角色变得家喻户晓、名声越来越大,但他想出了一个走在大街上也不会被别人认出来的方法。
'There is a way of just shadowing through.' Benedict explained. 'The higher the walls, the more dark the windows, the bigger the sunglasses - the more people are going to look.’“这个方法就是扮路人。”本尼迪克特解释道,“墙越高窗口越暗,太阳镜越大人们越好奇去看。”
Saying simply: ‘The greatest disguise is learning how to be invisible in plain sight.'说得简单点就是:“最好的藏身方法就是学会在人群中不显眼。”