侏罗纪公园4定名定档 2015年暑期上映
Welcome to Jurassic... World?欢迎来到侏罗纪... 世界?
Universal Pictures announced on Tuesday that the next installment in the "Jurassic Park" series will officially be titled "Jurassic World."环球影业周二宣布了《侏罗纪公园》系列第四部正式定名为《侏罗纪世界》。
Universal also announced that the film will have a new release date of June 12, 2015, which will pit it against other anticipated sequels like "Star Wars: Episode VII," "Batman Vs. Superman" and "The Avengers: Age of Ultron."环球同时还宣布了这部电影将于2015年6月12日上映,届时将和备受期待的续集系列《星球大战7》和《蝙蝠侠VS超人》,《复仇者联盟2:奥创时代》同期上映。
"Safety Not Guaranteed" director Colin Trevorrow is set to direct a script that was written by Derek Connolly and Trevorrow himself, and the film will be shot in 3-D.本片将采用3D格式进行拍摄,由《安全没有保障》的导演科林·特莱沃若执导,剧本则由他和德里克·康纳利(《安全没有保障》编剧)一同撰写。
What exactly "Jurassic World" will entail is still a mystery at the moment, but hey, we're pretty sure it'll have dinosaurs and that's a really good start.关于《侏罗纪世界》的具体细节现在还不得而知,但我们知道一定会有恐龙,这已经是个不错的开始啦。