《卑鄙的我》笔记3:Evil Bank
Check out my new weapon. Piranha gun! Oh, yes! Fires live piranhas. Ever seen one before? Do you want a demonstration?
Shoot! So difficult, sometimes, to get the piranha back inside of my...
Vector亟不可待的想向Gru炫耀自己的新发明,一种会发射食人鱼的武器,可惜这食人鱼不怎么好控制,反咬了Vector一口,哈哈~~ Vector果真是带来欢乐的角色。
-So, all I need is money from the bank to build a rocket. And then, the moon is ours.
-Wow ! Well, very nice presentation. I’d like to see this shrink ray.
-Absolutely! Will do. Soon as I have it.
-You don’t have it? And yet you have the audacity to ask the bank for money?
-Do you have any idea of the capital that this bank has invested in you, Gru? With far too few of your sinister plots actually turning a profit. How can I put it? Let’s say this apple is you. If we don’t start getting our money back...... Get the picture? Look, Gru, the point is, there a lot of new villains out there, younger than you, hungrier than you.
Do you have any idea of ..... 你明白......吗?
Sinister可以用来形容一个人阴险狡诈的性格,而紧跟的plot的意思是情节,在这里我们可以翻译为阴谋,那么sinister plots就是阴谋诡计的意思了。
Get the picture? 这是银行boss一边捏碎苹果一边对Gru说的话,让Gru很深刻的感觉到了boss赤裸裸的威胁啊。如果是平常会话中使用这句话,我们可以翻译成“想象到了吧”。
The ponit is.....想要强调某件事或者提醒某人是可以使用。