Unlikely thespian Adele has reportedly signed up to play a baddie spy in a new film, which bizarrely also stars David Beckham and Elton John.阿黛尔也未必只有悲情气质,她被曝出已签约出演一部新电影的反派间谍。这部电影匪夷所思地还有大腕大卫·贝克汉姆和艾尔顿·约翰的加盟。
The singer is the latest recruit for new Brit flick (we are sincerely hoping this is going to be a comedy) The Secret Service. The three will be showcasing their acting, um, skills playing a team of villains in the spy film.歌手阿黛尔是加入新英国电影(我们真心希望这会是一部喜剧)——《秘密特工》(中文译名)的最新成员。他们三人将在此间谍影片中演出,唔,一展他们饰演一帮反派角色的演技。
Director Matthew Vaughn is looking to turn cash by cramming the movie full of stars. A source told The Sun: "He wants the highest profile names in various fields to boost the film's cause and turn it into a mega-money franchise."导演马修·沃恩期望通过在电影中堆砌明星来让影片赚钱。有消息人士对太阳报说,“他想要各领域最响亮的名字出现在这部影片中,让影片更卖座,并牟取天价的影片特许权费。”
"You can't get much bigger than Adele, which is why he's so keen to get her involved. She'll be great value on the big screen."“你找不到比阿黛尔更有知名度的巨星了,这也是他强烈希望她加盟该影片的原因。她在大银幕上有巨大的价值。”
The film is based on a graphic novel by the creator of Kick-Ass, but of course no sort-of-awful-but-brilliant British film would be complete without Colin Firth in the starring role as senior spy. Michael Caine will be bringing up the rear as a veteran secret agent and very non British Samuel L Jackson will be playing the primary villain in the movie.此片根据《海扁王》作者的漫画小说改编而成。当然,没有哪部恐怖而精彩的英国电影能少得了科林·费斯领衔主演高级间谍一角。紧随其后,迈克尔·凯恩将扮演经验丰富的特务一角。而作为一个彻头彻尾的非英国人,塞缪尔·杰克逊则将在电影中出演主要的反派角色。
WHAT a wrap party that's going to be.那将会是一个激动人心的杀青派对。