英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-6 08:40:13

《环太平洋》票房喜人 有望拍续集

        It’s still probably too soon to say a sequel to Guillermo del Toro‘s Pacific Rim is a sure thing, but the chances for another film grew this week as the film opened big in China. For any big-budget movie, international box-office is increasingly important.现在说《环太平洋》将拍续集还为时过早,但是这周它在中国的票房使拍摄续集的可能性又增加了。对于任何一部大制作电影来说,国际票房都越来越重要。
        And so with a $9m Wednesday opening in China, the film has an international take that tops $150m, pushing it towards the magic number that could equal a green light for the sequel.周三在中国的首映获得了900万美元,电影在全球拥有高达1亿5000万票房,这个神奇的数字使续集有可能成为现实。
        Deadline reports that “momentum is building” for a sequel with the good Chinese opening. The film still has to hit Spain, Brazil, and Japan next week.Deadline报道称,在中国取得的巨大成功令续集开拍呼之欲出,期待电影下周在西班牙、巴西、日本也同样取得成功。

        It’s important to remember that good international numbers don’t mean the film is necessarily going to be profitable on its own. But it does mean that there is significant interest in the movie. That translates to ancillary revenue: disc and video sales and licensing, and in the case of a film like Pacific Rim, merchandising.但别忘了,票房收入并不意味着电影自身可以有利可图,而是意味着电影能产生巨大的收益。这可以转化为周边收益:像《环太平洋》这样的电影,光盘和视频的销售以及许可权都可以产生利润。
        It will be interesting to see how the sequel is handled, if it happens. Legendary owns most of Pacific Rim, and the company just signed a deal to partner with Universal. That moves Legendary away from Warner Bros., which helped finance Pacific Rim, and released the film. That puts three companies in the mix for the sequel.如果真的要拍摄续集,将会非常有意思。传奇影业拥有《环太平洋》的大部分股份,它刚刚和环球影业确定了合作伙伴关系,这也使得传奇影业离开为电影投资发行的华纳兄弟。三家公司将会共同筹备商议续集。
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