英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-6 08:40:08


        Rising star Douglas Booth is certain to catapult to heartthrob status as he stars as Romeo in the forthcoming adaptation of Shakespeare’s romantic tragedy.当后起新秀道格拉斯·布斯听到消息说他将在由莎士比亚爱情悲剧《罗密欧与朱丽叶》改编的电影中出演主角罗密欧时,一定激动得心跳不止。
        He reveals that he ‘fell in love’ with the part after not having particularly enjoyed the Shakespeare play at school.道格拉斯透露,虽然自己在上学时并不特别欣赏莎翁的戏剧,但现在他真是“爱上”了这部作品。
        He said: ‘When you're forced to watch something in school, you never really enjoy it, you sort of rebel against it in a certain way. Actually coming to this just in my own time, it was actually so easy to fall in love with. You just realize how incredible this writing is and what a beautiful story it is.’他说:“当你在学校被逼着学习时,总会有些叛逆和抵触心理,所以永远不能真正感受到其中的乐趣。但实际这部剧来的正是时候,它轻而易举地迷住了我。作品里的优美文字和曲折故事真是太不可思议了。”

        He also said that he identifies with the character himself. He said: ‘Being blinded by young love. I remember the feeling, when I was younger and I first fell in love—you don't see the world the same way that other people see it. You don't see the same boundaries.’道格拉斯还认为自己和剧作中的人物性格很像。他说:“我知道那种被幼稚爱情所蒙蔽的感觉,记得我第一次恋爱时,看到的所有事物都和其他人不同,爱情完全改变了你的视野。”
        Romeo and Juliet is set to be released in US cinemas in October while a UK release date is yet to be confirmed.《罗密欧和茱莉叶》将于十月在北美上映,而它在英国上映的时间待定。
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查看完整版本: 道格拉斯•布斯将出演新一代罗密欧