洛基将不再亮相《复仇者联盟2》 预计2015年上映
Details for The Avengers 2 are few and far between, but this latest piece of information will likely upset many fans. Writer-director Joss Whedon has confirmed with the Empire Movie Podcast that Tom Hiddleston will not reprise his role as Loki in the upcoming sequel.虽然关于《复仇者联盟2》的消息是少之又少,但是最近出来的这个消息会让很多粉丝失望。编剧兼导演乔斯·温登确认了汤姆·希德勒斯顿将不会在复仇者联盟续集中出演洛基了。
When initially asked about his progress on the movie, Whedon gave a similar answer to what we've heard for some time: "I've turned in a first draft, but the story is very set. "当最初被问及电影进展时,温登给我们的回答和之前几次听过的差不多:“我已经完成了初稿,大致的故事情节已经确定。”
But when asked about a specific moment from the first film featuring Loki, Whedon became the bearer of bad news: "Immitating what I did before is the surest way to do it not as well. Second of all, and Loki is not there to say those terrible things."但是当问到大受欢迎的反派洛基这个角色时,温登却带来了这个坏消息:“第二部会和第一部有很大不同,而且洛基也不再会是反派了。”
Whedon also spoke about production on the upcoming "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.EL.D." "We're building the next episodes, we start shooting again in July."温登还谈到了《复仇者联盟》的衍生剧《神盾局》:“我们正在制作第二集,将会在7月开拍。”
"Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." is set to air this fall on ABC and Marvel's The Avengers 2 is scheduled for release on May 1, 2015.《神盾局》将于今年秋天在ABC播出,《复仇者联盟2》计划于2015年5月1日上映。