"http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNTUwNTc4NDcy/v.swf你是否知道家中的狗狗一直都在默默关照你?加州艺术学院CalArts学生Madeline Sharafian动画作品《煎蛋饼》(Omelette)一经网络播出便赢得好评,有网友评论道:这圆滚滚的狗狗拯救世界啊!
Dogs are our link to paradise. They don’t know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring - it was peace. -- Milan Kundera“狗是我们与天堂的联接,它们不懂何为邪恶、嫉妒、不满,在美丽的黄昏,和狗儿并肩坐在山坡上,有如重回伊甸园。即使什么事也不做也不觉得无聊——只有幸福平和……”——米兰昆德拉
Dogs are some of the most loyal, talented animals out there and can be the perfect pal to have around after a long day. That's just the sentiment captured in this adorable animated short.狗狗是最忠诚、最聪明的动物之一,在度过漫长劳累的一天后,它就是你的最佳伴侣,这便是这部可爱的动画短片所传达的感情。
1.My life lasts only ten to fifteen years. Any separation from you will be painful for me. Remember that before you buy me.在你把我带回家之前,请记得,我的寿命约有10-15年;你的离弃,会是我最大的痛苦。
2.Give me time to understand what you want of me.请给我一点时间,让我了解你想从我这儿得到什么。
3.Trust me--it's very important to me.信赖我——那对我非常重要。
4.Please don't be angry with me for long and don't lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your entertainment and your firends. But I have only you.请别对我生气太久,也别把我关起来当作惩罚。你有你的工作、你的娱乐、你的朋友,但你是我的唯一。
5.Talk to me sometimes. Even if I don't understand your words, I understand your voice when you are speaking to me.请偶尔对我说说话,纵使我不懂你说的内容,但我能了解那是你的声音在陪伴我。
6.Please remember that however you treat me, I'll never forget it.你要知道无论你如何对待我,我将永远不会忘记。
7.Remember before you hit me that I have teeth that could easily crush the bones of your hand, but that I choose not to bite you.当你打我时请记得,我其实拥有可以咬碎你手骨的尖锐牙齿,我只是选择不咬。
8.Before you blame me for being uncooperative, stubborn or lazy, please ask yourself if there's something might be bothering me. Perhaps I'm not getting enough food, or I haven't been running in the sun for too long or my heart is getting old and weak.当你因为责骂我的不合作、固执或懒惰之前,请你想想,是否有什么正困扰着我?或许我没获得我应有的食物?我已经很久没在温暖的阳光下奔跑?又或者我的心脏已经衰老虚弱?
9.Take care of me when I get old. You too, will grow old.在我年老时请好好照顾我,因为你也会变老。
10.Please be my side when I'm about to leave. Please don't say "I can't bear to watch it." or "Let it happen when I'm not around." Everything will be easy for me if you are with me. Remember, I love you.当我即将离开时,请你一定要守护在我身边。请千万不要说:“我不忍心看它”或者“等我不在场时再让它发生”。只要有你和我在一起,所有的事都会变得简单容易接受。请你永远不要忘记,我爱你。