二战影片《愤怒》筹拍 布拉德皮特有望出演
Brad Pitt is in final negotiations for his next role on the big screen as the star of the WWII drama Fury, according to Deadline.据Deadline消息,布拉德·皮特目前正在协商出演二战题材电影《愤怒》事宜。
The film takes “place in 1945 as the Nazi regime collapses and the five-man crew of an American tank called Fury battles a desperate German army.”影片故事发生在1945年,一个5人组美国士兵驾驶名叫“愤怒”的坦克和德国军队决一死战。
Fury will be written and directed by End of Watch's helmer David Ayer who has said he wants to bring a fresh execution to the genre. What these men went through is worthy of a complex, honest portrayal. This will have incredible, visceral action and complex rich characters.《愤怒》将由《警戒结束》的导演兼编剧大卫·阿耶编写执导,他说他希望把这种类型的电影拍出新意。这些战士的经历值得后人为他们做错综复杂却忠于实际的描绘。影片中会包含一些不可思议、发自内心的行为和丰富多样的人物形象。