耄耋之年的撒切尔夫人(梅丽尔·斯特里普 Meryl Streep 饰)罹患老年痴呆症,时常在幻觉和回忆中切换。她感觉深爱的丈夫一直在身边陪伴,其实后者早已亡故。她作为杂货店的女儿,因为出身贫寒,时常饱受世人的白眼。然而,在聆听了保守党的演讲后,她坚定了自己的政治信仰,并以优异成绩考入牛津大学,虽然在一次议员选举中落败,但是她却收获了真挚的爱情与他相伴,坚定了自己从政的人生道路……选段中,撒切尔夫人在执政11年之后,她手下的议员渐渐背叛了她,想要推翻她的政府,而撒切尔夫人也不得不发表辞职说明……
News:Will she, or will she not, be in the job tomorrow?
Official:Margaret, they can't touch you.
News:Mrs Thatcher has failed to win enough votes to secure an outright win in the leadership contest and must now decide whether to put her name forward for the second round.
News:As Mrs Thatcher leaves Paris for London to make a last ditch attempt to pull together support for her leadership, the ship may have sailed.
Official 1:We will never win another election led by that woman.
Official 2:We need a leader who listens. This isn't about her, it's about the party.
Official 3:One must know when to go. The question is, how does anyone put it to her?
(In The Office)
Official 1:If you were to stand, I of course would vote for you Prime Minister.
Official 2:Of course would vote for you Prime Minister, but I don't think you can win. The loyalty of my colleagues cannot be counted upon.
Margaret:It was the people who put me here.
Official 1:The loyalty of my colleagues cannot be counted upon.
Margaret:It's up to them to tell me when to go.
Denis:Margaret, you can't let them do this to you. Please, boss. They'll destroy you. Throw in the towel now, love. Don't let those bastards see you humiliated. You just won't win, darling. Not this time.
Margaret:Oh Denis. I am the Prime Minister.
(In The Debate)
Security:Order! Order!
Margaret:The Right Honourable gentleman is afraid!
Official:This is a naked strategy of closing some coal mines and then selling off.
Margaret:They believe in striking. I believe in working!
Official:This is the woman who's watched ten men on hunger strike starve themselves to death and never flinched!
Official:More homeowners, more shareholders, more savings...
Margaret:I offer my resignation after eleven and a half extraordinary years proud to have left Britain in a much better state than when we took office. What's this then? A radio. How useful. Steady, MT.
1. vote for
当撒切尔夫人的下属说道:“如果你坚持,我肯定投票给你,首相。肯定投给你,可我认为你赢不了的。同事们的忠诚指望不了。”撒切尔夫人说道:“是人民把我选上来的,我何时离开,取决于他们。”撒切尔夫人因为太过于强势,不太听从下属的意见,他们认为她一意孤行,所以下属们不太服她。“vote for”意为“投票赞成”,“建议”。
2. count upon
议员们早已不满撒切尔夫人的一意孤行,他们早已内部讨论不想再支持撒切尔夫人。一个议员告诉撒切尔夫人:“如果你坚持,我肯定投票给你,首相。肯定投给你,可我认为你赢不了的。同事们的忠诚指望不了。” “count upon”有“仰赖”,“指望”,“依靠”,“准备(得到)”。撒切尔夫人的执政时期已经到达尾声。
3. sell off
当国会反对方质问撒切尔夫人:“她的赤裸裸的意图是关闭某些煤矿然后低价卖掉!这个女人看着十个人挨饿罢工,饿到死也不让步!”政治就是你死我活,这一刻不会记得你曾经指导着战争直到胜利,不会记得你带领英国重返经济巅峰,只会指责你的雄心企图。“sell off”意为“廉价销售”,“卖掉”。
4. take office
撒切尔夫人失去了议员,人民的支持,她不得不辞职,走下权力之峰。“我递上我的辞呈,在不平凡的11年半之后。我可以很自豪说我留给人民一个好过我们执政之初千百倍的日不落帝国。”撒切尔夫人问心无愧,的确,是她带领了英国重新回到巅峰时期,她的功与过,历史都会记录下来,不会被人遗忘。“take office”意为“就职”,“绾结印绶”,“到职”,“任职”。