At Palm Springs, the "Life of Pi" helmer tells THR that the project, which has been linked to Paul Greengrass, James Cameron and David Fincher, "just feels right to me."在棕榈泉国际电影节,《少年派的奇幻漂流》的导演李安告诉《好莱坞通讯》,安吉丽娜朱莉版“埃及艳后”电影“正是我要拍的”,而这部电影早先也与保罗格林格拉斯、詹姆斯卡梅隆和大卫芬奇有联系。
This story first appeared in the Jan. 18 issue of The Hollywood Reporter magazine.这件事第一次出现是在1月18日那期《好莱坞报道》杂志。
Ang Lee confirmed at the Palm Springs International Film Festival Gala that he really wants to direct Angelina Jolie in Sony and Scott Rudin’s adaptation of the book Cleopatra: A Life, by Stacy Schiff.李安在棕榈泉国际电影节上承认,自己确实想导演安吉丽娜朱莉版,根据泰茜西弗同名传记改编、由制片人斯科特鲁丁制作的电影《克丽奥佩特拉:一生》。
"I'm about to read the script," Lee told The Hollywood Reporter exclusively. "It just feels right to me after all the other types of films I've done. What does it have in common with any of them? They’re all totally different! That’s what makes this perfect.”“我打算要看剧本了,”李安专门告诉《好莱坞报道》的记者,“在我导演了那么多其他类型的电影之后,我觉得这正是我下一步要拍的。这个题材和我的其他电影有什么共同点?它们完全不同!而这正是完美之处。”
Since it began dvelopment in 2010, the project has lost three directors: Paul Greengrass, James Cameron and David Fincher.自从2010年这部电影开始制作以来,它已经和三位导演失之交臂:保罗格林格拉斯、詹姆斯卡梅隆和大卫芬奇。
Turns out Cleopatra — played so iconically by Elizabeth Taylor in 1963 — had a love life that went beyond Caesar and Marc Antony: Schiff claims she married each of her two brothers, then slaughtered both.原来克丽奥佩特拉(1963年被伊丽莎白泰勒形象地演绎过)除凯撒和安东尼之外还另有情史:西弗断言她和自己的两个哥哥结过婚,后来又残杀了他们。
What — no tiger?没有老虎了?