英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-6 08:37:34

康伯巴奇《星际迷航》反派造型 霸气登杂志封面

        Benedict Cumberbatch certainly looks the part in his costume for the new movie Star Trek: Into Darkness, in which he plays terrorist John Harrison.
        In the first look at the former Sherlock star in the movie, Cumberbatch looks menacing with dark eyes and shadows cast across his face as he appears on the cover of Empire magazine.
        Speaking about his character to Gya O! recently, he said: 'He's someone who has enormous physical strength. He's someone who is incredibly dangerous, both as a physical entity and through the use of various technologies and weapons and who performs acts of what I would describe as terrorism.'
        'He's also a psychological master. He manipulates the minds of those around him to do his bidding in a very, very subtle way.'
        Director J.J. Abrams also offered more information on the backstory of the character: 'His name is John Harrison and he is sort of an... average guy who works in an organisation called Starfleet and he turns against the group because he has got this backstory and this kind of amazing secret agenda.
        【娱乐快讯】因饰演神探夏洛克而大红大紫的本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇将颠覆以往形象,在新片《星际迷航:暗黑无界》中扮演恐怖分子。近期他在电影中的造型登上杂志Empire 封面,一改之前金色卷发的发型,再加上一副厚重的手铐,着实令人生畏。
        据悉,这次本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇出演的约翰·哈里森是操纵心理的大师,也擅长使用高科技和各种武器,是片中极为重要的反派角色。该片是《星际迷航》系列的第十二部电影,由好莱坞著名电影人J·J·艾布拉姆斯(J.J. Abrams)执导,预计将于2013年5月17日在北美上映。
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