很久很久以前,在一个美丽华贵的国度,善良而迷人的白雪公主(克里斯汀·斯图尔特 Kristen Stewart 饰)降生到这个世上。她用有让人欣羡的家境与童年,但是好景不长,他的母亲过早驱使,祖国遭遇神秘的黑色军队袭击,更为绝望的是父王将偶然相遇的绝世美女拉文娜(查理兹·塞隆 Charlize Theron 饰)迎为新的王后。拉文娜带来了难以想象的灾难,她狂暴与黑暗的欲望使她攫取了整个国家。当魔镜告诉女王只有得到白雪公主的心脏,她才能长生不老,永葆青春,女王便下定决心要杀了白雪公主。而白雪公主在得知女王将要加害自己之时,奋力从城堡逃脱躲入黑森林……
Soldier: These two were captured leading an ambush on one of our supply trains.
Queen: Your son? Handsome. Obviously, a debt owed to your mother. There was a time i would have lost my heart to a face like yours. And you, no doubt, would have broken it.
Lain's father: Lain, no!
Queen: ah!ah……You would kill your queen. Such courage. Such beauty. But how strong is your heart?
Lain's father: No, my son! My son!
Queen: Leave him. Let him return to the Duke and speak of the generousity of his queen.
Finn(Queen's brother): Out! Out!
Finn: Magic comes at a lofty price.
Queen: And the expense grows.
Finn: You look……
Queen: Old.
Finn: Tired.
Queen: My power fades.
Finn: I have something for what ails you.
(Greta was standing there with fear, then queen took her youth. Greta became old. She was brought back to the jail.)
Snow White: Greta? Greta?
Queen: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?
Mirror: My queen, on this day, one has come of age, fairer even than you. She is the reason your powers wane.
Queen: Who is it?
Mirror: Snow White.
Queen: Snow White? She is my undoing? I should have killed her when she was a child.
Mirror: Be warned. Her innocence and purity is all that can destroy you. But she is also your salvation, Queen. Take her heart in your mind and you shall never again need to consume youth. You shall never again weaken or age.
Queen: Immortality. Immortality forever. Finn! Brother, bring me the King's daughter.
Finn: (nod)
1. supply train
2. owe to
3. how strong is your heart
“你吃了雄心豹子胆了吗?” 当Lain一把拿出旁边侍卫的剑刺向王后,女王没死后,女王抓住Lain的衣服,满脸怒气的质问道,“你竟敢杀你的女王!”
4.at a lofty price
5. come of age