神奇海盗团:The Pirates! Band of Misfits 《新片速递》
When tales are told of pirates, their vicious nature and their ruthless ways, one pirate is more feared than them all.
Avast! I'm a pirate captain. And I'm here for your gold.
Afraid we don't have any gold, old man. This is a leper boat.
Behind every captain there's a crew.
Land, ho-ho! Sorry.
Some of you are as ugly as a sea cucumber, some of you are closer to being a chair or coat rack than a pirate, and some of you are just fish I've dressed up in a hat.
Hoist the flag!
Standard, Sir? Or gruesome?
Extra gruesome! Let's make their gizzards shake!
We're having a little trouble with pirates, Your Majesty.
I hate pirates!
We laugh in the face of danger.
I don't.
I don't really like danger at all.
An actual pirate?
Obviously. Duh.
Can we get there?
Well yes. But unfortunately there's a sea monster in the way.
I think they just add those onto maps for decoration.
Is that a fact?
See? I told you!
The Pirates! Band of Misfits
Aha! I'm the pirate captain, and...
We ghost ship oooohhh!
大胡子海盗船长(休·格兰特 Hugh Grant 配音)是一个野心勃勃却不怎么成功的公海恶人。船长有一个梦想——打败他的两个老对手黑贝拉(杰里米·皮文 Jeremy Piven 配音)和神剑丽子(萨尔玛·海耶克 Salma Hayek 配音),赢得“年度海盗大奖”,于是 船长带着他的虾兵蟹将踏上了冒险之旅。我们的英雄之旅从异域的血腥岛到维多利亚时代雾霭弥漫的伦敦街道。一路上,他们打败了恶魔女王、救起了倒霉的年轻科学家(大卫·田纳特 David Tennant 配音),却从没有丢掉海盗的最爱——冒险!