钢铁苍穹:Iron Sky (双语视频)《新片速递》
Only moments ago, New York has come under attack. 刚刚纽约遭到了袭击。
Witnesses claim to have seen hundreds of UFOs.目击者称看到了成百上千的不明飞行物。
It's opening fire. Oh my gosh.我的天,要开火了。
Where are we from?我们从哪儿来?
The dark side of the moon.月球背面。
We come in peace.我们为和平而来。
Who are these guys any way?这些是什么人?
Nazis from the moon.从月球来的纳粹。
That's too much.太搞笑了。
One word from me and the invasion from the moon begins.给我带个话 从月球发动的入侵开始了。
Invasion? You all must be tripping.入侵?你们脑瘫了吧。
Now my question is, what we all plan to do about it?我的问题是,我们对此作何打算?
So we just happen to have a little something up our own sleeve.所以我们刚巧有些藏而待用的手段。
All presidents who start a war in their first term get re-elected.所有第一任期内发动战争的总统都连任了。
Shit. This just keeps getting better and better.越来越有劲了。
We are the promise delivered to all mankind.我们是人类的希望。
We raise our hands to one nation.我们向统一的大国致敬。
We march to the beat of one heart.我们向同一个心声前进。
The world is sick, and we are the doctors.这世界已病入膏肓 只有我们才能拯救她。