The good news is that director Darren Aronofsky’s passion project Noah is finally coming to fruition. The bad news is that we’re gonna have to wait a while to see it. Per Box Office Mojo, Paramount has set a March 28, 2014 release date for Aronofsky’s epic take on the Biblical tale. Currently no other film is slated for that particular weekend, but Disney’s Maleficent starring Angelina Jolie, the gravity bending sci-fi pic Invertigo, and DreamWorks Animation’s Peabody and Mr. Sherman are all set to open in March of 2014.
Though filming on Noah is expected to get underway this July, the far off release date gives Aronofsky plenty of time to fine-tune this long-gestating project before its release. The added time also provides for plenty of post-productions hours that will likely be necessary to create the flood sequence. Russell Crowe is set to star as the titular Noah, and early word had Aronofsky eyeing Liam Neeson for a role in the pic but we haven’t heard any confirmation of the Taken actor’s involvement.
沪江娱乐快讯:派拉蒙影业和New Regency今天官方对外宣布,由《黑天鹅》导演达伦·阿罗诺夫斯基、奥斯卡影帝罗素·克劳担当主演的史诗巨作《诺亚》(Noah)将于2014年3月28日上映。该片将于今年7月开机,在纽约与冰岛两地辗转拍摄。
《诺亚》将是达伦最大规模的制作,影片投资据说将达到1.3亿美元。前不久,他与漫画家Nico Henrichon合作的该片的迷你漫画第一辑已经在法国发布,并制作了一段预告。对于这个源自《圣经》的故事,达伦并不想过于强调其宗教色彩:“我不认为这是个非常宗教的故事。我觉得这是一个伟大的寓言,来自各种宗教和精神实践。我认为这是一个从来没在银幕上表现过的伟大故事。”