布鲁(Jesse Eisenberg 配音)是一只世界上极其稀少的蓝色金刚鹦鹉,当他还是雏鸟时,便被可鄙的偷猎者从里约的热带丛林中掳到美国。阴差阳错,他变成了小女孩琳达的宠物,从此相伴多年,如今的阿蓝俨然一个养尊处优的宅男,甚至到忘记了如何飞行。某天,名叫图里奥(Rodrigo Santoro 配音)的鸟类学家经过琳达(Leslie Mann 配音)经营的书店,他被阿蓝所震惊,并希望能将阿蓝带回里约,与世上仅存的另外一只雌鸟繁衍后代。
虽然心怀不安,但是考虑到蓝色金刚鹦鹉的命运,琳达还是带着阿蓝来到里约。阿蓝顺利见到了美丽的同类茱儿(Anne Hathaway 配音)。茱儿则一心逃离樊笼,回归大自然。与此同时,一伙犯罪分子盯上了这群可爱的小生灵…… (转自豆瓣)
Linda:Yes,mum.I love to visit.But who'll take care of Blu?Mum,they don't have candles for parrots.Here's your hot chocolate,Blu.Just tell you like it.
Because I don't trust leaving Blu with just anyone.No,I don't have a bird sister.What is a bird sister...
Blu:Ah,this is the life.The perfect marshmallow to cocoa ratio.One,two,there,four,five...six!
Bird:Well,well,if it isn't my favourite nerd bird.
Blu:Very...very funny,real mature.
Bird:Hey,Pet,where are you migrating to this year?The "Broad-First" nook?
Blu:Throw all snow balls you want.I'm protected by this magical force field,called "glass".It's what keep us so toasty and warm in here,while you guys are out there freezing your... = =Classy.
Tulio:I'm not built for this weather.
Linda:Oh,are you looking for some books?
Tulio:Books?No,no.I've come six thousand miles looking for him.
Blu:0 0
Linda:Doctor of Ornithology?
Tulio:Ooh,he's magnificent.
Blu:Linda,a little help here.Linda!
Linda:Wow,you're actually communicating.
Tulio:Yes,I introduced myself and shook my tail feathers counter-clockwise,thus referring to his dominance.
Blu:= = I did not get that at all.
Tulio:you know,your Macaw is a very special bird.In fact,as far as we know,Blu is the last male of his kind.Recently we found a female.And our hope is to bring the two of them together to save their species.
Linda:Well,sure,when can she come over?
I never let Blu out of my sight.He needs me.
Tulio:Oh,no.You...you misunderstand.It's all arranged.You'll be with him every step of the way.And I'll be with you.
Linda:Look,I know you're doing your job.But...I can't...well,Blu's very particular...and we have our little routine here and we're not big on travel.Heck,he doesn't even fly.
Tulio:Of course he can fly.He's a perfect specimen.Don't worry,their natural instincts always take over.Well,almost always.Perhaps he's too domesticated.
Linda:It was very nice of you to step in,and squawk around and throw my bird,but now it is time for you to go.
Tulio:This could be out last chance.
Linda:Have a save flight.
1、Yes,I introduced myself and shook my tail feathers counter-clockwise,thus referring to his dominance.没错,我在用它们的方式打招呼呢,逆时针摇尾羽,做个自我介绍。
refer to 提到,提及,谈及,说起
e.g.Peasants regard scientists and engineers as brothers who help them shake off poverty, they refer to them as the "gods of wealth".
refer to 也和 look up 一样可以表示查字典的意思
e.g.If you refer to the dictionary, you will easily find the meaning of the word.
2、In fact,as far as we know,Blu is the last male of his kind.事实上,据我所知,布鲁可能同类中最后一只雄鸟了。
In fact和as far as we know 也是作文中的常用句式哦!
3、and we have our little routine here and we're not big on travel.而且我们有自己的生活,再者,我们并不喜欢旅行。
big on 热衷于,喜欢。
e.g.The Japanese are big on ranking things and deciding which is Number One.