导演:巴塔萨·科马库 Baltasar Kormákur
主演:马克·沃尔伯格 Mark Wahlberg 凯特·贝金赛尔 Kate Beckinsale 本·福斯特 Ben Foster
国家/地区:美国 / 英国
发行公司:环球影业 [美国]
《禁运品》由原版导演奥斯卡·乔纳森继续执导,影片讲述了一个马克·沃尔伯格饰演的走私贩Chris Farraday早已放弃犯罪生涯多时,却因为内弟Andy得罪了毒贩头子,不得已重操旧业。Chris召集了一班人马前往巴拿马,并且带回来成百万的伪钞。但事情远没他想的那么顺利,Chris必须用他已经生锈的技巧稳住背信弃义的犯罪网,毒品贩子、警察、在他妻子跟前的杀手,他的儿子也成为犯罪目标……
《雷克雅未克-鹿特丹》去年在冰岛本土上映后,获得了口碑和票房的双重褒奖,一举囊括了冰岛本土最高电影奖艾达奖的最佳导演、最佳剪辑、最佳配乐、最佳剧本、最佳音效等五项大奖,最终被冰岛电影机构选定为报名奥斯卡外语片的参赛片。嗅觉灵敏的Working Title公司对该片很快发生了兴趣,随即买下改编权。
Contraband is an upcoming American action thriller film directed by Baltasar Kormákur, starring Mark Wahlberg and Kate Beckinsale. The film is a remake of the Icelandic 2009 film Reykjavík-Rotterdam which Kormákur starred in. It is set to be released on January 13, 2012 in the United States by Universal Pictures.
Chris Farraday abandoned his life of crime long ago, but after his brother-in-law, Andy, botches a drug deal for his ruthless boss, Tim Briggs, Chris is forced back into doing what he does best -- running contraband -- to settle Andy's debt. Things quickly fall apart and with only hours to reach the cash, Chris must use his rusty skills to successfully navigate a treacherous criminal network of brutal drug lords, cops, and hit men before his wife, Kate, and sons become their target.
小编点评: 从这支预告片来看,《禁运品》似乎只是一部中规中矩的犯罪惊悚片,影片选在2012年1月13日这个不冷不热的档期上映,似乎也说明了些问题。