《哈利•波特》cos play教材:cos一个哈利去看首映!
1 Obtain a pair of round glasses without lenses, or if you already wear glasses, use your own. Wrap a piece of clear tape around the middle of the frames so that they look just like Harry's broken glasses.1 准备一副圆形镜框,如果你已经戴眼镜了,那就用你自己的好了。然后用胶带把镜框中间缠上,这样会让你的眼镜看起来和哈利的破眼镜比较像。
2 Wear a long-sleeved rugby shirt, preferably solid orange with a red stripe across the chest. Complete the outfit with jeans and sneakers.2 穿上你长长的橄榄球球衣,最好是胸前有黄、橙相间的条文图案装饰。下身穿牛仔裤和运动鞋。
3 Determine how similar your hair type is to Harry's. If your hair is dark and long enough to style, apply mousse or gel liberally and run your fingers through your hair to make it stand on end. If your hair is light or too short to style, buy a black wig.3 感觉一下你的发型和哈利的像不像。如果你的头发够黑够长的话,可以抹点摩丝或者发胶,然后用手指伸进头发里从头一直抹到尾。如果你的头发又少又短的话,孩纸买顶黑色假发吧~
4 Use thick Halloween makeup to create Harry's other trademark, a dark pink scar in the shape of a lightning bolt in the middle of his forehead.4 用万圣节化妆法画上哈利的其他标志性符号吧。在前额画上一个深红色闪电疤痕。
5 Tie a scarlet cape around your neck if you want to impersonate Harry as a Quidditch player.5 如果你模仿的是打魁地奇的哈利,那么别忘了哈利的猩红色斗篷。
6 Use a small Styrofoam ball, about the size of a walnut, for the snitch that Harry captures in the Quidditch games. Paint it gold with spray paint or color it with a gold marker.6 找一个核桃大小的塑料球,cos 哈利波特魁地奇装必备,别忘了把球涂成金色。
7 Stick two small white or silver feathers into the Styrofoam ball to serve as the wings of the snitch.7 你的金色飞贼别忘了加上两个银色的翅膀。
8 Carry the snitch along with you, as well as a broomstick, to look as if you just came from a Quidditch game.8 带着你的金色飞贼和扫帚回来,这样就有刚从魁地奇比赛中胜利归来的感觉啦!