英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-6 08:31:12


        Chinese mainland moviegoers will be lucky to be able to watch "Norwegian Wood", the award-winning film adaptation of Haruki Murakami's novel of the same name, in the near future. The Japanese film is the creation of Vietnam-born French director Tran Anh Hung. It is ready for release at national cinemas.中国内地影迷不久将有幸欣赏到改编自村上春树同名小说的获奖电影《挪威的森林》。这部日本电影出自法籍越南裔导演陈英雄之手,准备在国内影院公映。
        The 1960s-era drama about love and life was nominated for the Golden Lion at last year's Venice Film Festival, and won the Best Cinematography at this year's Asian Film Awards.这部影片以20世纪60年代为背景,讲述了爱情和生活,在去年的威尼斯电影节上获得金狮奖提名,在今年亚洲电影大奖上获得最佳摄影奖。
        Haruki Murakami is quite possibly the most successful and influential cult author in the world today. The 62-year-old has sold millions of books in Japan. His fifth novel, "Norwegian Wood", sold more than 3.5 million copies in its first year in 1987 and has been translated into 40 languages, in which it sells almost as well.村上春树极有可能是当今世界最成功、最有影响力的偶像作家。62岁的他在日本的图书销量达数百万。他的第五部小说《挪威的森林》发行于1987年,第一年就卖了350多万册,已被译为40种语言,译本几乎和原著一样畅销。
        "Norwegian Wood" is the Japanese equivalent of "The Catcher in the Rye". This book should be required reading for every troubled adolescent. "Norwegian Wood" is a coming-of-age tale of young man Toru Watanabe's love involvement with a schizophrenic girl, Naoko. Naoko eventually enters a convalescent home for disturbed people. 《挪威的森林》是日本版的《麦田守望者》,是每个问题青少年必读的书。《挪威的森林》是一部成长纪事小说,讲述了青年男子渡边和患有精神分裂症的女孩直子之间的感情纠葛。直子最终住进了一家精神疗养院。
        Later Toru encounters Midori, a vibrant and outgoing young girl. He realizes he cannot continue his relationship with Naoko. He doesn't want to hurt Naoko, but doesn't want to lose Midori either. Later Toru is informed that Naoko has killed herself and he wanders sadly and aimlessly around Japan…后来渡边遇见了充满活力、性格开朗的年轻女孩绿子。他意识到自己与直子的感情已经无法再维系下去了。他不想伤害直子,却又不想失去绿子。不久,渡边被告知直子自杀的噩耗,悲痛的渡边漫无目的地在日本彷徨……
        It's no doubt that watching this screen adaptation of "Norwegian Wood" will certainly be a heart-breaking experience.毫无疑问,观看《挪威的森林》的电影版必定会是一次让人心碎的经历。
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