英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-6 08:30:54

德普忍剧痛拍戏 休闲装出席《加勒比海盗4》首映式

        Hollywood star Depp, 47, who reprises his role as pirate Jack Sparrow in the sequel, looked distinctly retro at the world premiere in California, in a black and white lounge suit and trainers.好莱坞影星约翰尼德普在《加勒比海盗4》中继续扮演Jack船长,昨天他一袭黑白休闲西装配运动鞋出席了在加州的首映仪式。
        Depp, who recently revealed that he suffered a painful injury which almost delayed production on the film, seemed as right as rain.德普最近曾透露,在拍摄期间碰巧背部受伤,差点延误影片进度,不过昨天他看起来情况不错。
        He revealed the news to The Hollywood Reporter: 'I must have done something to my back during a stunt and ended up with this bad sciatic situation. It was this horrible, grinding electricity going through me.'他向The Hollywood Reporter透露:“在一次动作镜头中我弄伤了我的背,导致坐骨非常疼痛。痛极了,好像电流流遍全身。”
        However, the actor said that due to the hectic shooting schedule, he had to work through the injury.不过,由于拍摄进度非常赶,德普只能忍痛上阵。
        'I kept shooting, there was no choice, I'd just limp on set,' he said.他说:“我一直在拍摄,没办法,我在现场都是一瘸一拐的。”

        Depp also teased that he would be happy to sign on for another four sequels right now. 德普还打趣的表示,现在就愿意再签演4部加勒比海盗的电影。
        He told the Daily Record: 'I still enjoy playing Jack - there's always more to explore in him. I never want to say goodbye. I love Captain Jack so much I would do Pirates 8 if they ask me.'他对媒体说:“我仍然还享受扮演Jack——这个角色总有那么多可以发掘的东西,我永远不想和他说再见,我甚至愿意演到加勒比海盗8,只要他们邀请我来演。”
        Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley, who starred in the first three films but were not cast for the latest movie adventure, also attended the premiere.在该系列前三部中出演的奥兰多布鲁姆和凯拉奈特莉将不会在最新的《加勒比海盗4》中出现,不过他们仍然参加了昨天的首映仪式。
        Pirates Of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides is due to open in UK cinemas on May 18. 《加勒比海盗4:惊涛怪浪》将于5月18日登陆英国各影院。
        《加勒比海盗4》确定引进 5月20日同步上映 >>查看详情
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