艾玛沃特森:皇家婚礼压力大 很同情准王妃
Emma Watson has a lot of sympathy for Kate Middleton.即将幸福大婚的英国准王妃凯特米德尔顿应该是全球女同胞们都羡慕的对象了吧?不过,艾玛沃特森却表示自己灰常同情她。
The royal bride-to-be is under a worldwide spotlight ahead of her April 29 wedding to Prince William — with special focus on fashion, what she'll wear for her big day. Only two billion people may be watching, according to one British minister.距离4月29号的皇家世纪婚礼越来越近,这位准王妃也成为全球各界关注的焦点——主要是关于时尚,准王妃那天到底会穿什么礼服呢?根据英国大臣的说法,全球也就20亿人会观看这场婚礼。(八卦小编表示灰常期待啊!准王妃很有气质的说^^)
"Poor girl, that must be an incredible amount of pressure," Watson told The Associated Press in an interview earlier this month. "I hope she's enjoying it. Must be intense."“真可怜,她的压力一定很大很大。”Emma在本月与美联社的采访中如是说道:“我希望她能享受这一切。她一定很紧张。”
Watson herself knows something about life in the spotlight. Over the last eleven years she's grown up on screen and in public from a child actress to a film star. These days who she's dating is big entertainment news, what she's wearing is dissected by fashionistas around the globe, which products she is endorsing fuels business stories.A simple trip to the hairdresser to cut her long golden brown hair into an elfin crop made international headlines.说这话也不是没有道理,Emma最了解镁光灯下的生活了。在过去的11年里,无论是荧幕上还是生活中,她都已经从一名童星蜕变成了电影巨星。她和谁恋爱是娱乐头条,她穿什么会被全球时尚界津津乐道,她代言什么什么就会成为热销品。甚至只是去趟理发店,把一头长发变成干练短发都上了国际板头条。
From these points, it may be quite reasonable to show sympathy to the royal bride-to-be.这么看来,或许是该同情下这位准王妃了。