英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-6 08:30:37


        Oscar-winning actor Nicolas Cage has been arrested in New Orleans after a drunken argument with his wife outside a residence in the French Quarter, police said on Saturday.周六,奥斯卡影帝尼古拉斯·凯奇在新奥尔良被捕,原因是他在一处住宅外与妻子发生醉酒争吵。
        The 47-year-old film star was taken into custody at about 11:30 p.m. on Friday and booked on suspicion of domestic abuse battery, disturbing the peace and public drunkenness, New Orleans Police spokesman Garry Flot said in a written statement.新奥尔良警署发言人在一份笔头声明中指出,这位47岁的影帝因涉嫌家暴、在公共地方醉酒及扰乱安宁三项罪名于周五11点30分左右被拘捕。
        Cage was ordered to appear in court on May 31.尼古拉斯·凯奇将于5月31日上庭受审。

        According to the statement, Cage was observed arguing with his wife on a street in the city's French Quarter.声明称,尼古拉斯·凯奇在新奥尔良市法国街区的一条街道上和妻子发生了争吵。
        "(Cage) and his wife were standing in front of a residence that he insisted was the property the couple was renting," Flot said in the statement. "She disagreed and Cage grabbed her by the upper arm and pulled her to what he believed was the correct address."“他和他妻子站在一处住宅外,凯奇坚称该住宅就是他们租住的大宅。但妻子金容京指老公找错房子,于是凯奇捉着老婆手臂要强行拉她进屋。”
        The actor then began striking cars and tried to get into a taxi cab, Flot said.随后凯奇四处敲打停泊的车辆,又企图跳上的士。
        "At that point, an officer who had been flagged down by on-lookers drove up on the couple, immediately observed that Cage was heavily intoxicated, and ordered him out of the cab, which prompted Cage to start yelling. The officers subsequently took Cage to Central Lock-Up," Flot said.围观者找来的警察到达现场时,立刻察觉尼古拉斯·凯奇严重醉酒,于是上前命令他下车,但凯奇拒绝服从并大喊大叫。随后警察将他拘捕。
        There were no visible injuries to Cage's wife, he said.不过警方称,凯奇的妻子并无明显伤痕。
        Cage, the nephew of film director Francis Ford Coppola, is best known for such films as "Raising Arizona," "Gone in 60 Seconds" and "National Treasure."尼古拉斯·凯奇是电影导演Francis Ford Coppola的侄子,因主演《抚养亚利桑那》、《致命60秒》、《国家宝藏》等影片而声名大噪。
        He has twice been nominated for an Academy Award, winning the Oscar for his portrayal of a down-and-out alcoholic in the 1995 film "Leaving Las Vegas."他曾两次提名奥斯卡,因主演1995年描述酒鬼的影片《逃离拉斯维加斯》获得奥斯卡影帝。
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