伊丽莎白泰勒入土为安 与迈克尔杰克逊同一陵园
The crowds finally parted for Elizabeth Taylor as the screen legend was buried yesterday in a small private ceremony on a quiet hill outside Los Angeles.北京时间3月25日清晨,好莱坞传奇女星伊莉莎白·泰勒的私人葬礼在洛杉矶郊外举行,玉婆告别了自己丰富多彩的一生,入土为安。
A superstar who had been mobbed for most of her life was sent on her way in a short service attended by no more than a few dozen family and close friends.这位传奇女星的一生都处于舆论的风口浪尖,不过她简短的葬礼只允许少数亲人及密友参加。
Close in life to Michael Jackson, Taylor is now even closer to the singer in death as she was buried in the same mausoleum building where he was laid to rest in 2009.泰勒生前和2009年去世的巨星迈克尔·杰克逊友情颇为深厚,此次她安葬的陵园也正是好友长眠的地方。
As a convoy of five black stretch limos swept the mourners through the main entrance of the Forest Lawns Memorial Park cemetery in Glendale, they were watched at a respectful distance by a phalanx of the world’s media - including circling helicopters - but only a handful of fans.葬礼由五辆黑色豪华轿车开道,穿过前来哀悼的人群,由正门驶入格兰戴尔“森林草坪”公墓。世界各地的媒体在远处观望和报道,直升机在空中盘旋,少数影迷也前来送别泰勒。
The 79-year-old actress only died of heart failure on Wednesday but a combination of her Jewish faith – which she adopted in 1959 and which demands speedy burial – and her family’s evident desire to avoid a media circus for once in her life ensured her burial took most people by surprise. 伊莉莎白·泰勒周三突发心脏病死亡,享年79岁。葬礼举行如此之快主要是出于宗教方面的考虑,泰勒1959年皈依了犹太教,按照教义,犹太教徒必须在死后很短的时间内入土为安。当然,她的家人也希望能够躲避大批媒体的追访,这才以迅雷不及掩耳的速度为她举行了葬礼。
It was not clear who exactly was inside the blacked out limos but it would have included Taylor’s four children from three of her seven husbands - Michael and Christopher Wilding, Liza Todd and Maria Burton – as well as most if not all of her 10 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.五辆豪华轿车里具体有哪些人还不得而知,不过可以肯定的是,泰勒与她三任丈夫的四位儿女一定在其中,当然还有她的10个孙儿及4个曽孙中的大多数成员。