英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-6 08:29:59

【给力Cinema 2010】五分钟带你重温好莱坞2010

        2011新年已经来了,我们忙着拜年,忙着团聚,忙着包红包,也忙着收红包…当所有人都疲于迎新之际,小编却想带着大家一起来小小怀旧下,一起跟随Kees van Dijkhuizen的Cinema 2010来回顾下过去一年中,那些让我们难以割舍的电影吧!
        Kees van Dijkhuizen:
        We’ve reached the end of yet another unforgettable year of movies. Not only did this years movies push boundaries even further, they did so with impeccable risks. In a time of recession and playing-it-safe, films like Inception and The Social Network still found a great audience. But smaller films also, like Blue Valentine, Splice, Buried and Breaking Upwards found a loving audience. It’s crazy to think that all these films came out in one year, and so I tried my best do give them each a moment of glory in my latest film retrospective, Cinema 2010.
        Kees van Dijkhuizen表示:2010年我们拥有很多难忘的电影,它们将未来电影的界限推得更远,一场履行完美的冒险。在这个经济不景气、一切都力求安稳的时候,像《盗梦空间》、《社交网络》依然能有大量的观众,一些小片《蓝色情人节》、《人兽杂交》、《活埋》或《分手事件》也有不错的反响。这么多好片都在一年出现,真的很疯狂,我尽自己最大努力在我的《Cinema 2010》中让它们闪耀光芒。
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