英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-6 08:29:54


        《名利场》(Vanity Fair)杂志公布了今年“好莱坞特辑”(Hollywood Issue)的杂志封面。这期封面由三折页组成,网罗了十五位去年表现突出的新老演员,整个风格呈现的是30年代上海的复古奢华。
        Jake Gyllenhaal, Ryan Reynolds, Anne Hathaway, and James Franco grace the cover of Vanity Fair’s 17th annual Hollywood Issue.
        For the special issue, the magazine “went back to the basics - no teenagers, no penguins, no (full-on) nudity, just the most exciting actors and actresses of the moment.”
        The three-panel foldout, which was shot in L.A. and NYC, also features Jennifer Lawrence, Anthony Mackie, Olivia Wilde, Jesse Eisenberg, Mila Kunis, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Andrew Garfield, Rashida Jones, Garrett Hedlund, Noomi Rapace, and Robert Duvall.
        “We wanted to evoke the glamour of 1930s Shanghai, an era of smoky, alluring elegance,” said VF fashion and style director Jessica Diehl. “We had the gentlemen looking dashing in black tie, whilst the ladies were radiant in spring’s gowns - from Gucci to Yves Saint Laurent - and glittering with diamonds from Chanel and other arbiters of glamour.”

《名利场》(Vanity Fair) 杂志公布了他们今年“好莱坞特辑” (Hollywood Issue) 的杂志封面,这期封面由三折页组成,网罗了十五位去年表现突出的新老演员,整个风格呈现的是30年代上海的复古奢华。其中主封面上的四位明星从左至右分别是:瑞恩·雷诺兹 (Ryan Reynolds)、杰克·吉伦哈尔 (Jake Gyllenhaal)、安妮·海瑟薇 (Anne Hathaway) 和詹姆斯·弗朗哥 (James Franco)。
        封面内页上的明星从左至右依次是:詹妮弗·劳伦斯 (Jennifer Lawrence)、安东尼·麦凯 (Anthony Mackie)、奥利维耶·王尔德 (Olivia Wilde)、杰斯·艾森伯格 (Jesse Eisenberg)、米拉·库妮丝 (Mila Kunis)、罗伯特·杜瓦尔 (Robert Duvall)、约瑟夫·高登·拉维特 (Joseph Gordon Levitt)、安德鲁·加菲德 (Andrew Garfield)、拉希达·琼斯 (Rashida Jones)、加勒特·赫德兰 (Garrett Hedlund)、劳米·拉佩斯 (Noomi Rapace)。
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