英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-6 08:29:45


        Nicole Kidman had a baby girl last month via a surrogate mother, it has emerged. 妮可基德曼的第二个女儿出世啦,不过这次的小宝宝是通过代孕妈妈诞生的。
        The 43-year-old Oscar winner and her husband, country singer Keith Urban, already have a two-year-old daughter called Sunday Rose. 妮可与老公,乡村歌手Keith Urban,已经有了一个两岁大的女儿,名叫Sunday Rose。
        On Monday, they proudly announced the arrival of another little girl, Faith Margaret Kidman Urban, who was born near the couple’s Nashville home at the Centennial Women’s Hospital on December 28. 第二个女儿的名字叫做Faith Margaret Kidman Urban,取了父母两人的姓氏。
        Although the baby was carried by a surrogate, Miss Kidman and Urban are her biological parents. 虽然是由代孕妈妈分娩的,但与孩子有直接血缘关系的还是妮可和她的老公。
        Miss Kidman released a statement yesterday saying: “Our family is truly blessed and just so thankful to have been given the gift of baby Faith Margaret.”妮可在孩子出生后发表声明说:我们很幸运能拥有这个女儿。
        They said they chose Faith as their new baby’s first name because that’s what they needed to get through the process of their daughter being born. 选择Faith,信念这个词作为女儿的名字,是因为他们认为,正是源于信念的力量,才使得这个孩子最终得以出生。
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查看完整版本: 妮可基德曼通过代孕喜得千金女