看《功夫熊猫》假日篇学英语04 欢乐滴冬至节
【剧情介绍】阿宝打开箱子便看到自己小时候做的灯笼,感慨万千。他和老爸平先生准备好好装点一番过个欢乐的冬至节(好吧真的很应景)……- Oh, whoa! Right on top. It's the sun lantern I made when I was a cub.
- Do you know why it was on top, po? Because I opened the box this summer just to look at it.
- I love winter festival so much sometimes I just can't wait.
- Me too. The decorations...
- The party games.
- The dancing, huh, dad? The dancing.
- Whoo!
- Noodles.
1. Right on top. 就在最上面。
2. sun lantern 灯笼
我们做的那种皱皱的像风琴一样的灯笼,老外就叫sun lantern咯。
3. cub 幼崽
4. Because I opened the box this summer just to look at it. 因为夏天我还开了箱子来看哪。
5. I love winter festival so much sometimes I just can't wait. 我可喜欢冬至节了,都等不及了。
winter festival就是冬至了,不过老外眼中的冬至还真是跟我们想得不一样啊……