英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-6 08:28:37


        国外网友还为这事捣鼓出了个新词组:Leo Strut。如今,网友还嫌不够给力,制作出了全新出炉的“李奥纳多欢乐大步走”MV!一起来看看吧!
        Leo Strut (also known as “Leonardo DiHapprio”) is a photoshopped exploitable that uses an image taken of Leonardo DiCaprio during the filming of Christopher Nolan’s “Inception”. The original image is of DiCaprio doing a jolly strut down a street, but has been photo shopped into several scenes that usually depict a catastrophe or terrible happening, similar to Disaster Girl. DiCaprio is shopped into the scene, as if he could have stopped the incident or helped people nearby, but instead continues throughout the scene doing his jolly strut.
        “李奥纳多 欢乐大步走”是李奥纳多在《盗梦空间》的一张另类片场照。只见他歪着脑袋,像小学生一样把手甩到胸前,紧握拳头,傻笑着往前走。照片引发一场名称为“小李子,你不要这样淡定好不好啊!”的PS恶搞活动。只见,“小李子”一下子现身《钢铁人》的场景中,一下又跑到战争片,当难民四散逃亡时,只有他面不改色,仍摆着小手、晃着头,面露微笑。假如小李子看到这个活动,估计会抽风吧!啊哈哈哈哈……
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