看暮光之城学英语Twilight之26 猫捉老鼠玩弄先
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- That's my favorite part. 【138】You were a stubborn child, weren't you?
- She's not even here.
- No. Sorry. You know, but you really made it too easy. So to 【139】make things more entertaining, I'm gonna make a little film of our time together. I borrowed this from your house. 【140】I hope you don't mind. Good. 【141】And action. That'll break Edward's little heart.
- You have... Edward has nothing to do with this!
- But he does. His rage will make for more interesting sport than his 【142】feeble attempt to protect you. And let's continue.
暮光 之城影视专题 看Twilight系列学英语
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【138】词汇讲解:You were a stubborn child, weren't you?
stubborn adj. 固执的,执拗的,不听话的
【139】 词汇讲解:make things more entertaining
entertaining a. 有趣的,使人娱乐的
【140】 常用口语:I hope you don't mind.
【141】 常用口语:And action
【142】 词汇讲解:feeble attempt
feeble a. 微弱的,衰弱的,无效的
attempt n. 努力,试图,企图
这句话看起来很复杂,其实是说按着爱德华平日里温 和的脾气,你会勾起他的暴怒,从而使得我们的打斗更刺激。
暮光 之城影视专题 看Twilight系列学英语