中东风情《波斯王子:时之沙》主题歌I Remain抢先听
2010年最值得期待的动作大片之一《波斯王子:时之沙》即将全球同步上映。华丽丽的大片当然要有好听的主题歌来配,尤其是这种异域风情的更是值得期待。果不其然《波斯王子:时之沙》的主题歌I Remain就充满了中东的味道,Alanis Morissette极具张力的嗓音为我们演绎了一段发生在沙漠中的动人爱情,听完之后你是否对电影已经充满了期待呢?http://image.l.hjfile.cn/file/201005/2010052410352346639.mp3
I Remain
by Alanis Morissette
How crass you stand before me
With no blood to fuel your fame
How dare you weild such flippancy without requisite shame
Your very existence becomes my sacred mission's bane
You bow to kiss my hand and I ignore ignited flame
I moved to meet you
Untouched I do remain
To some it seems foreign
Why I would steely forge ahead
This land entrusted to me knows not of hallowed secrets
I'll keep it to myself
My own advicement in my head
Your charm can not distract me
From the path I'm born to tread
How I'm thrilled to know you
Affected, I remain
How I've learned to like you
Undeterred I do remain
Less daunting as team?
You unlikely king by my side
And me, so much better for trusting you
My hand over your heart
While you keep hindrances at bay
Color me surprised by how our union saves the day
How I've grown to need you
As my soldier need fades
How I love to love you
And how I remain
I remain
I remain
I remain
I remain
I remain