看暮光之城学英语Twilight之17 不速访客意外抵达
- My 【93】monkey man.
- Stop! They were leaving. Then they heard us.
- Let's go.
- It's too late.
- Get your hair down.
- 【94】Like that'll help. I can smell her from across the field.
- I shouldn't have brought you here. I'm so sorry.
- What? What are you...
- Just be quiet and stand behind me.
- I believe this belongs to you.
- Thank you.
- I am Laurent. And this is Victoria and James.
- I'm Carlisle. This is my family.
- Hello.
- I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us.
- Our apologies. We didn't realize the 【95】territory had been claimed.
- Yes, well, we 【96】maintain a permanent residence nearby.
- Really? Well, we won't be a problem anymore. We were just 【97】passing through.
- The humans were tracking us, but we led them east. You should be safe.
- Excellent.
暮光之城影视专题 看Twilight系列学英语
【93】俚语讲解:monkey man
在俚语里头monkey man有表示一个人头脑简单、四肢发达的意思。
【94】口语解释:Like that'll help
Like that'll help在日常用语里头还是挺常见的哦,通常都是嘲弄的口气。
【96】惯用搭配:territory had been claimed.
claim territory 宣称领土权
【97】常用词组:maintain a permanent residence
permanent residence在这里是永久住所的意思。
【98】常用词组:pass through
pass through表示路过某处。
暮光之城影视专题 看Twilight系列学英语