/collect/201608/06/www.imdb.com_Eat Pray Love_MV5BNDM0NDA4MjgzM15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNDMyMzcwMw@@._V1._SX640_SY951_5654104.jpg由好莱坞影后茱莉亚-罗伯茨主演的新片《美食、祈祷和恋爱》日前发布了首支预告片,讲述离异女子在美食、旅行中发现自我的心灵救赎之旅。该片由索尼哥伦比亚公司出品,根据伊丽莎白-吉尔伯特(ElizabethGilbert)的同名自传改编。《美食、祈祷和恋爱》是一本旅行见闻录,书中记录了一个已婚女子在结束自己痛苦的婚姻之后,踏上了一段长达一年的自我发现之旅,游历了包括意大利、印度和印度尼西亚在内的很多地方。片中与朱莉亚-罗伯茨搭戏的分别是詹姆斯-弗兰科、贾维尔-巴登两大不同风格的型男,令人期待他们将擦出怎样的火花。
The first trailer for "Eat, Pray, Love" starring Julia Roberts is online now. While trying to get pregnant, a happily married woman realizes her life needs to go in a different direction, and after a painful divorce, she takes off on a round-the-world journey. Based on the memoir by Elizabeth Gilbert.
Director: Ryan Murphy
Cast: Julia Roberts, James Franco, Richard Jenkins, Javier Bardem
Genre: Drama
Release: August 13th, 2010, US
A woman who once made it her goal in life to marry and rear a family finds her priorities suddenly shifting in director Ryan Murphy's adaptation of author Elizabeth Gilbert's best-selling memoir. In the eyes of many, Gilbert was a woman who had it all - a loving husband, a great apartment, and a weekend home - but sometimes one realizes too little too late that they haven't gotten what they truly wanted from life. On the heels of a painful divorce, the woman who had previously looked forward to a contented life of domesticated bliss sets out to explore the world and seek out her true destiny.